Face to Face (The Deverell Series Book 2)
to devour me. I know it because I want you to, but I can never let you. I don’t belong with you. I don’t belong here. Take me home to Falmouth while I am still able to leave you.”
    In excruciating frustration, Varian ground out, “You are more bother. More pain. More irritation. And more pleasure than any woman I have ever known. You are every element of the universe, brilliant and extreme. When you are angry you are a hurricane at sea. When you laugh it is with the wild resonance of a raging windstorm. When you are sweet you are like marzipan. When you are calm, you are an English autumn before a fire. You have the beauty of a perfectly molded china doll. The lushly sloping curves of a Venus statue. The delicacy of crystal. The will and stubbornness of iron. I can’t imagine what the passion will be when we finally share it. Even the torment I savor when it’s given by you because it is you and you make me want it.”
    Frightened of him, but more frightened of herself, Merry whispered, “I will run from you the moment there is some place for me to run, Varian. I only returned to ship with you in hopes you would take me home to Falmouth. I can’t remain with you. You must know that.”
    The touch of his hand on her cheek startled her. It was quiet and tender and wistful. “You won’t run, Merry. We are one. One, but both of us incomplete, because you are young and stubborn and think there is a choice in this. You think you can get all you want, as you want it, instead of how it is. You fight the wind head on, instead of letting it carry you where you want to go. I gave up fighting you on Isla del Viento . You, it seems, require longer. Don’t make it too much longer. You are squandering the happiness of our lives.”
    Stunned, Merry watched as Varian’s unhurried stride took him from the cabin, leaving her there trembling, furious, and frightened. Her body hungrily yearned for his kisses and his touch. Her heart ached for his return. She should have been relieved that he left, but now that he was gone, all she wanted was him back.
    Angry and frustrated, with an anxious sweep of her arm Merry sent the crystal on the table to crash against the floor.

    Varian stepped into his cabin and froze. It took a moment to distinguish what he was seeing. It was not what he expected after hearing the sounds of crashing glass from his cabin.
    Merry was in his bed. He had conjured this picture often. Wishful thoughts hadn’t touched reality. His blankets were held to shield her naked breasts, and only her dark curls and the dim light of a single candle touched the silken flesh of her shoulders. She met his eyes in an even study. Her face was claimed by a sweet smile, and something about her calm posture told him she’d been waiting for him for some time. She broke the silence first.
    “You are an insufferable man,” Merry said. “I suspect I will always find you to be insufferable. I may understand you a trifle better after tonight. I doubt I will ever understand you completely. It would help matters for me if you would be more direct from time to time.”
    He took in a deep breath and let it ease out of him slowly, steadying. Varian felt the blood rise in his cheeks and the quickening of his heart. “I will remember. If I don’t, remind me. What has happened to change this tonight?” he asked.
    This : he brought it between them and she didn’t retreat. The memory of his fury unleashed on her today stabbed him. Was that why she was in his bed, out of a fear it would happen perhaps in fury instead of love?
    Merry’s incaution worried him since he didn’t understand how it had come about, so he pressed, “I apologize for my behavior earlier. This is not a gesture you need make if you are worried that I can’t give you your way any longer. I don’t understand why I should find you in my bed after how I treated you.”
    He looked at her reflection back at him. That he didn’t understand seemed to

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