Fabulous Five 028 - Breaking Up

Fabulous Five 028 - Breaking Up by Betsy Haynes Page A

Book: Fabulous Five 028 - Breaking Up by Betsy Haynes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Betsy Haynes
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library, and
write a report. "Day-care centers," she replied.
    "That's the same one I picked." Beth said, her
face lighting up. "Hey, maybe we can share the research. That way, each of
us will only have to look at half the sources."
    "Good idea," said Jana.
    She turned her attention back to the computer screen.
    Do you wish to locate ____ subject , ____ author,
or ____ title? Place an X beside your choice and press ENTER.
    Jana put an X beside SUBJECT and punched the ENTER
key. She glanced around the room while she waited for the computer to process
her choice and move on to the next selection. Her gaze swept the magazine
racks, the case holding rental videos, and on to the large tables where she and
Beth would sit to make notes as soon as the computer located the material they
needed. An elderly man was reading a newspaper at one table. At another table a
woman balanced a toddler on her knee as she copied something from a book.
    Suddenly Jana froze. She felt herself go numb as she stared
at a table near the window where Randy and Sara Sawyer were sitting with their
heads close together over a large open book. Randy pointed to something on the
page, and Sara nodded. It was obvious that they were studying together,
probably working on the same Family Living report that she and Beth were. It
was the first time Jana had seen Randy with someone else, and her heart felt as
if it were shattering into a million pieces. And why did it have to be Sara
Sawyer, of all people, who had been her friend for ages?
    Jana looked closely at Sara. She was a total contrast to
Jana, whose hair was dark brown and fell to her shoulders. Sara's honey-colored
hair was short and curled softly around her face. Sara was athletic, and her
complexion had the healthy glow of someone who spent a lot of time outdoors.
Jana's heart sank. It was easy to see why Randy might like Sara.
    "What's the matter?" asked Beth.
    Jana couldn't take her eyes off Randy and Sara, so she
nodded in their direction and heard Beth gasp.
    "That jerk! It's only been a week!" Beth spat the
words out, but then she turned to Jana with huge, sympathetic eyes. "Oh,
Jana! It's just awful. How can you stand it?"
    "It's okay," Jana said, tears misting her eyes. "We're
supposed to date other people, remember?"
    Beth mumbled something Jana couldn't hear as she turned back
to her computer and tried to concentrate on it. She couldn't let herself fall
apart, especially not with Randy in the same room.
    List the subject exactly as you would like the computer
to search for it _______________
    Press ENTER.
    Jana typed in "Day-Card Centers" and had started
to press the ENTER key when she noticed her mistake. "Day -Care Centers, dummy," she muttered to herself. "I can't let this get to
    To Jana's relief, by the time she and Beth had gone into the
stacks and located the books they needed and brought them back to a table,
Randy and Sara were gone.
    "He probably saw you here and turned chicken,"
Beth commented.
    "Beth," Jana said crossly. "You know he's
supposed to be with other girls. Our experiment won't work if we don't date
other people."
    "Then why aren't you going out with other guys?"
asked Beth.
    Jana took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "I will,"
she said with determination. "It's just hard to let guys know you're
available. Most people don't understand why Randy and I broke up. They probably
think I'm crying my eyes out and wouldn't want to go out with anybody else."
    Beth was silent for a moment. Then she leaned closer to Jana
and said in a confidential tone, "I think I'd die if Keith and I broke
up—absolutely die —even though lately he has been acting like a jerk. I
don't know what's wrong with him, but I can't help liking him, anyway."
    Jana smiled and put a sympathetic hand on her friend's
shoulder. "You're always saying how immature he is. If he's acting like a
jerk, maybe that's why. "
    Beth nodded. "Yeah. I guess so. At least, I hope that's
    Half an hour later the

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