Eyes Only

Eyes Only by Fern Michaels Page B

Book: Eyes Only by Fern Michaels Read Free Book Online
Authors: Fern Michaels
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I’ve been kicked in the gut by a mule. I just recently learned that I’m a father, the father of twins. I had no idea, no clue. I hadn’t even known Gretchen was pregnant until a friend, Zack back in the States, told me. I don’t understand why she didn’t tell me. It all makes sense now.
    â€œI don’t know what to do. The lady on the phone—she said her name was Maggie Spritzer—suggested I return to the States tomorrow with you. She said if you found me, then Gretchen’s father’s people will find me. She explained as much as she knew about what’s going on. Jesus, all this time I’ve been sitting here like an idiot, waiting for Gretchen to come and knock on my door. Talk about being a fool!”
    â€œI’m just the messenger, Mr. Albright. I know Maggie very well. If her advice is for you to return with me, it would be wise to do just that. From what I’m told about him, Mr. Spyder, Gretchen’s father is . . . an unsavory character, to put it mildly. And that despite the fact, or maybe because, he is either the richest or at least one of the richest people in the world. He wants those children. And from what I understand, when that man wants something, he’s going to get it, no matter what. Nothing will stand in his way. Your children are safe, with parents who love them. I get it that you didn’t know until very recently, and that alone might give you grounds to fight for them on your own, but do you really want to disrupt those children’s lives and rip them away from the only parents they’ve ever known?
    â€œGretchen herself is the one you need to speak with. I don’t know how you can make that happen. I truly don’t. If her father finds you, he will dangle you as bait for his daughter and use you for his own ends, getting possession of those children. And that is exactly what they would become, his possessions. You know her better than I do. What will she do?”
    Albright shrugged. “I thought I knew her. I loved her. I still love her. I never understood why she didn’t get in touch or join me, the way she promised. Now that you and Zack have told me about her accident, I don’t feel quite as much a fool. She loved me. She did. She never talked much about her family. She did say one time that she wanted to get as far away from her father as she could. But then she went on to say there was no place on earth that he couldn’t find her. I hate to admit this, but I thought she was being overly dramatic.
    â€œShe did tell me to buy this place under an assumed name, but things didn’t work out with that plan. The Brits are a cautious lot. So I guess you are right in that respect. Buying it under my own name with Gretchen’s money was a mistake. Since Zack called, I have been trying to adjust to the fact that I have two children, twins.”
    â€œYou really don’t, Mr. Albright. The children are no longer yours or Gretchen’s. I suppose a case might be made for you since you did not know about them and did not agree to their being adopted, but I’m no lawyer. Right now, the children are all that matter. The Domingos have your children, and it was all done legally. The fact that their mother lied is going to be a problem, and you are now part of that problem. I’m sure, considering the circumstances, that if things can be worked out, the Domingos would let you be part of the twins’ life. Gretchen, too, if she wants. Not so Gretchen’s father. So, what are you going to do?”
    â€œI don’t know. Sit here and think. That Maggie person gave me her number to call if I decide to head back to the States. She warned me that the airports are probably on alert, should my name pop up. She said that’s how much clout Gretchen’s father has. I don’t know the first thing about how to go about getting a bogus identity. Do you?”
    Isabelle laughed. She couldn’t

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