
Eyes by Joanne Fluke Page A

Book: Eyes by Joanne Fluke Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joanne Fluke
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one knew who she was. Her clothing was expensive and so was her watch, but they provided no clue to her identity. She’d come into the emergency room alone and had followed the signs to the morgue. The cars in the parking lot were all accounted for. Either someone had dropped her off, or she’d arrived by bus or taxi.
    It was two in the morning when the blood work came back from the lab, and it was negative. No sign of drugs or disease. Since she was still screaming, the doctor gave her a tranquilizer, and when she was quiet and her vital signs were stable, Doug turned her over to two uniforms for transit to the county jail. Jane Doe, the name they’d given the woman for booking purposes, would be on suicide watch in a private cell. If they were lucky, she’d be able to tell them her real name at her arraignment in the morning.
    It was three in the morning when Doug shook Jimmy’s hand and headed for the door. But he stopped and turned back when he remembered that Jill’s husband was a patient. “Hey, Jimmy. My friend’s husband is here. I won’t wake him, but do you think I could take a quick peek?”
    â€œNo problem, Sergeant Lake.” Jimmy sat down at the computer. “What’s his name?”
    â€œNeil Bradley.”
    Jimmy typed the name on the screen and nodded. “He’s in room five eighteen. Just take the elevator up to the fifth floor and turn left. If anybody gives you any grief, just flash your badge.”
    Doug felt a little strange as he rode up in the elevator and walked down the corridor to room five eighteen. He wasn’t sure why he wanted to see Jill’s husband. Perhaps it was just to look at him, to see if there was something in his sleeping face that would provide an answer to why Jill had chosen him. It couldn’t be good looks alone; Jill wasn’t that shallow. There had to be some other reason, and perhaps he’d learn it if he saw his rival in the flesh.
    The door to Neil’s room was open and Doug peered in. Neil was in bed, his eyes bandaged, his head in some sort of restraint. His sleeping face was relaxed and appeared younger than the picture on the book cover. As a matter of fact, Neil Bradley looked vulnerable, almost pathetic, and Doug felt ashamed for spying on him.
    He was just about to leave when Neil made a sound. He was trying to talk. Doug stepped into the room. If Neil was awake and needed something, he could help him ring for the nurse.
    Neil spoke again, a mumbled word, and Doug moved to the bed. Perhaps he needed something?
    â€œLisa? Where are you? I need you, Lisa!”
    Doug nodded. Lisa must be the name of Neil’s nurse. “Just hold on, Neil. I’ll get her for you.”
    Doug hurried out of the room and raced to the nurses’ desk. Two nurses were sitting there talking, and the younger one looked up.
    â€œHi. The patient in five eighteen, Neil Bradley. I just looked in on him, and he’s asking for a nurse named Lisa.”
    The younger nurse nodded. “I know. He does that every night. Mr. Bradley’s talking in his sleep.”
    â€œAre you sure he doesn’t need something?”
    â€œWe’re sure.” The older nurse spoke up. “I just checked on him a couple of minutes ago. He was sleeping like a baby.”
    Doug raised his eyebrows. “He had me fooled. I really thought he was awake. Is Lisa his day nurse?”
    â€œNo.” The younger nurse shook her head. “There’s no nurse on this floor named Lisa. We think he’s asking for his wife.”
    â€œBut his wife’s name is Jill.”
    The two nurses exchanged surprised glances; then the younger one shrugged. “Lisa could be anyone. He’s dreaming.”
    â€œOkay.” Doug nodded. “Thanks for letting me peek in on him.”
    The older nurse smiled. “No problem. You said you were a friend of his wife?”
    â€œThat’s right. Jill’s an assistant

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