Experience the Impossible: Simple Ways to Unleash Heaven's Power on Earth

Experience the Impossible: Simple Ways to Unleash Heaven's Power on Earth by Bill Johnson Page B

Book: Experience the Impossible: Simple Ways to Unleash Heaven's Power on Earth by Bill Johnson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bill Johnson
Tags: REL012120, REL079000, REL012040
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honor matter.
    Is it possible to stand in faith when those we are accountable to will not? Yes. Never lower your faith to those around you. Instead, demonstrate the authentic nature of your faith through the love and honor shown to those who question your wisdom and position. Remember, faith works through love (see Galatians 5:6). If my faith exists without love, it will be self-promoting and eventually self-destructive. Love never promotes itself. And neither does faith, when it works through love.
    Father, I thank You for all the moments You give me to honor You through faith, for You are truly the faithful One. Help me to embrace these moments without fear, and even accept that challenge to stand alone when it is needed. I know that the ability to believe when others turn away is not because of my greatness but is the product of Your grace. Thank You. I simply want to bring glory to You through Your wonderful gift of faith.
    I love the privilege of standing with people of great faith. And I will treasure the moments when I find myself standing alone, believing when others have become fearful. The grace of God is more than enough for me in any and all situations, as I was created to bring God glory through who I am and all I do.

    People with resentment attract people with complaints.
    O ne of the great mysteries of life is how people with certain values, be they good or bad, attract others with the same values. I can assure you that if you put a person who loves gossip in a work environment with a hundred other workers, within a couple of weeks he will have attracted into his life those who gossip. It is a strange phenomenon, but completely true.
    People who live bitter lives are puppets of the devil. They attract demonic chaos that brings distortion. Bitterness seldom exists without reasoning. So the evil one loves to provide the justification to remain bitter. What better way to sustain what is wrong than to immerse it in the atmosphere of justified resentment? And so the complainers are drawn into the lives of the bitter. When this happens, it is more than a natural law of like attracting like through mutual interest. It now becomes a spiritual law, where the internal values of the heart help to build alliances with the invisible world. In this case, the alliance is with the demonic. The bitterness and resentment is so vile that it contaminates entire groups of people in a very short period of time.
    There were times when friends of mine heard evil report after evil report about someone, and I heard nothing, even though I was involved with the same circle of friends. I realize that there could be many reasons for this. But one that I am certain of is that when people become offended, they are more likely not to trust the ones who offended them. The one sure way to separate friends and to destroy the beauty of unity is to feed suspicion. The wrong attitudes in their hearts attract information that confirms what they have discerned , thus furthering the divide between those who should be illustrating love, mercy and unity. The heart is a beautiful thing, when protected. But it can be vile when the enemy is allowed to sow seeds of discord into it.
    This truth can also work to our benefit, in that good standards of the heart actually attract the things needed to sustain those values. I have practiced this as though I were trying to learn to play a musical instrument or something requiring equal discipline. Here is an example. The continual hope in my life thrives on reports of what God is doing. When I value testimonies of God’s wonder-working power, I attract those with stories of breakthrough. It is beautiful to watch. There are times when people almost line up to tell me stories of good news! The values of the heart attract the fuel needed to sustain those values. If hope and faith have a high priority on your list of values, watch as you attract people with great hope and faith who have

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