Everybody Knows (Sunnyside #1)

Everybody Knows (Sunnyside #1) by Jacie Floyd Page A

Book: Everybody Knows (Sunnyside #1) by Jacie Floyd Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jacie Floyd
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them from any
yahoo with a hammer and a couple of relatives pretending to be employees.
That’s not what you want, missy. I’m the biggest and best construction company
in the area. I have the most equipment and the biggest crew.”
    “If we’re hiring a crew based on the Bigger is
Better Theory, then I look forward to working with you after reviewing your
    Every time she came upon Hugh after that
conversation, he pretended he was busy directing a group of guys. But they were
all just holding up walls with their shoulders instead of putting forth a
reasonable effort. They grumbled loudly every time she assigned them to task.
    After an hour, most of his cronies had faded away,
but Hugh stuck it out until two middle-aged men entered the library along with
a younger man in uniform. Harper recognized two of the men from her Skype interview
with the town council. Shaking their heads at the mess, they stopped to chat
with Liam under one of the bigger, more colorful graffiti murals.


Chapter Seven

    Upon closer inspection,
the graffiti looked more polished, edgy, and less random than Harper had first
thought. Maybe the distinctive style was a clue to the perpetrator even though
she couldn’t detect a particular tag for the scenes. Surely someone who could
paint like that had made a name for him- or herself in the area.
    She thought about it while observing the
interaction between Liam and the other three men. She witnessed the confident,
relaxed, and smiling side of Liam, on equal ground with the others. When he
waved them in Harper’s direction, Hugh McMahon slipped out a side door.
    Well-made clothes always drew Harper’s eye, and
the larger of the two men in civilian clothes knew how to dress. His collared
shirt and pants were tailored to fit his extra-large body. Even his shoes were
made of good Italian.
    The smaller man had on well-worn jeans and a
chambray work shirt with the sleeves rolled back. He had a short-clipped,
no-nonsense haircut under a ball cap with a tractor logo on it. Wire-rimmed
glasses didn’t hide the smile lines at the corners of his eyes. His square shoulders
and perfect posture reminded Harper of the few military men she’d known.
Despite his casual attire, he exuded an air of authority.
    The uniformed guy was mid-thirties and muscular.
He removed his uniform cap before speaking. “You must be Harper Simmons, the
new librarian. Welcome to Sunnyside.” His hand was calloused when she shook it,
firm and strong. “I’m Sheriff Jim Bowman. This is Mayor Mick Willoughby and
town council member, Bert Marshall.”
    “A pleasure to meet you in person,” she said to
the Mayor and Bert and then turned back to the Sheriff. “I understand there’s a
new baby at your house. Congratulations!”
    “Thanks.” He rubbed his hand over tired eyes.
    “A girl, right?”
    “Yep, Maisie Rose. My wife and I sure hit the
jackpot. She’s an angel, even if she did keep us up most of last night.”
    “I hear that’s a hazard with newborns.” Harper
admired the man’s unabashed enthusiasm for his child. “I hope I get to meet the
baby and your wife soon.”
    “You will. We plan to take her to the Fourth of
July Festival and show her off for a little while,” he said and then turned to
business. “I ran into Zach last night, and he filled me in on the situation
here. I’ll need to ask some questions and get a statement from you when you
have a few minutes.”
    “Now is good, unless Mayor Willoughby and Mr.
Marshall need to speak to me first.”
    “We aren’t too formal around here. Feel free to
call us Mick and Bert, please,” the Mayor said.
    She flashed a smile of pleasure at the request.
“I’d be happy to, if you’ll call me Harper.”
    “Absolutely,” Bert agreed. “We’ll do it. You’re
about the same age as my daughter, and it seems weird to use a title instead of
your name.”
    “But we’re not here to get in your hair,” the
Mayor said. “After Zach called last

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