Everlasting Kiss

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Book: Everlasting Kiss by Amanda Ashley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amanda Ashley
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know about vampires was that they were considered young for the first hundred years; anything that survived over five centuries was viewed as ancient. Of course, you could never tell how old vampires were just by looking at them, or how long they had been undead, since they stopped aging once they were turned.
    “When were you turned?” She had heard of one female vampire who had worked the Dark Trick on a five-year-old child because she was lonely and wanted a little girl for company. It was said that the little girl aged emotionally, but her body never matured. A cruel fate, Daisy thought, to have an adult mind trapped in a child’s body.
    Erik draped one arm along the back of the sofa. “You’re full of questions tonight, my little flower. Any particular reason?”
    “Not really.” Sitting back, she folded her arms under her breasts. “Just curious.”
    He regarded her through narrowed eyes, as if trying to judge her sincerity, and then he shrugged. “I was turned on my thirtieth birthday.” Beyond doubt, it had been a night he would never forget, nor forgive.
    “Not a very nice present,” Daisy remarked.
    “True enough, although it lasted far longer than any of the other gifts I received that night.”
    Daisy frowned, surprised that he could make jokes about something that had surely turned his whole life upside down. “How did it happen?”
    “My wife…”
    “You were married?”
    “Of course. I was a healthy male in my prime.”
    “Did you have children?”
    “Yes.” He looked past her, his voice almost a whisper. “A boy and a girl.”
    “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to bring up unhappy memories.”
    “It was a long time ago.” And yet, even all these years later, he could see their faces clearly in his mind, hear the sound of his wife’s voice, the laughter of his children.
    “But it still hurts,” Daisy said quietly.
    “Did your wife know you were a warlock?”
    “Of course. I couldn’t keep a thing like that a secret.”
    “And she didn’t mind?”
    “I wasn’t a practicing warlock then, hadn’t been for years.” He had forsaken his magic completely when he married. His mother had never forgiven him for turning his back on his heritage. There were those who practiced the art of magic, and those, like Erik and his mother, who were born to it.
    “Go on,” Daisy coaxed. “You said you were turned when you were thirty.”
    “Yes. Abigail, my wife, had given me a surprise party. I think she must have invited everyone in London…”
    “You’re from England, then?”
    “Yes, originally.” He had been a wealthy man back then, landed gentry, with a large estate and a dozen servants to do his bidding.
    “You don’t sound English.”
    “I lost my accent years ago.”
    She tried to imagine what Erik would have been like back then. In her mind’s eye, she tried to imagine him wearing the clothing of the period, overseeing a large estate, presiding at the dinner table, but she couldn’t. It was even more difficult to picture him with a wife and children.
    “As I was saying, Abigail had given me a party. I was mingling with our guests in the ballroom after dinner when I saw a woman I didn’t recognize. I supposed her to be a friend of Abigail’s. I went over to introduce myself…”
    He paused a moment, his thoughts turned inward. “Needless to say, she wasn’t Abigail’s friend, or anyone else’s. She persuaded me to take her outside, saying she wanted to see the gardens in the moonlight. Once we were alone…”
    He paused again. A muscle throbbed in his cheek. “Once we were alone, she mesmerized me, and then, while I was still in her thrall, she let me see what she really was. I fought her as best I could, but to no avail. Small and petite though she was, she had the strength of twenty grown men. She held me down and drained me to the point of death, and then offered me a choice. I could die, or I could become what she was.”
    Rising, he began to pace the

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