
Everblue by Brenda Pandos Page B

Book: Everblue by Brenda Pandos Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brenda Pandos
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They say if left alone, we’d be goin’ back to the mainland just to tell our friends the secret.”
    “What? That’s crazy.”
    “I agree. And because of it, we be treated like the womenfolk, forced to have the coppers keep an eye on us gits.”
    I laughed. Chaperons were a far cry from actual cops, mostly intrusive and annoying. But the whole idea of keeping everyone under lock and key over an event that happened such a long time ago seemed senseless. We blended into society perfectly fine without any suspicion. “Well, I trust ya, Badge,” I offered eagerly.
    “I know, Son.” He raised his glass to me. “Fer that, I’m truly grateful. And fer Jack too. He never be lookin’ down his nose at me.”
    I tapped my glass against his and took a swig of my juice. “So, if you could guess what they’re doing, what would you say?”
    “Maybe rescuing someone. Or fixin’ a slip up. Who knows?”
    I slumped in my chair, suddenly aware of our responsibility. We were in a big test tube, being watched to see who we’d stay loyal to. Tatch was going to blow everything when she chose to become human.
    Badge looked at me with pity in his eyes. “Man, you look shook. Why aren’t ya with yer pals doin’ the ri-ra?”
    “Oh,” I scuffed my foot on the ground, my stomach sick, unsure what ri-ra meant. “I don’t know. They’re a little—”
    “I know they be a bunch of quare hawks, but you need to be gettin’ yerself a bird.”
    I began to realize, once Badge had a few drinks, his Irish slang came out indiscriminately. This time I didn’t dare ask what a quare hawk or a bird meant.
    “Oye.” He shook his head and pounded his mug on the table. “Don’t be a Fecky the Ninth! A girl, lad! Or don’t ya be likin’ girls?”
    Ash came to mind. Though I wouldn’t pursue a relationship with her considering my heritage, she’d been the first girl I’d ever noticed as being pretty. Back when we were kids, the three of us would sit for hours on the beach at Fannette Island, shooting the breeze. Even at fourteen, she’d talk about her passion for swimming, politics, and keeping Tahoe free from pollution. I’d hang on her every word, amazed at the depth of her understanding and confidence of what she wanted out of life.
    I thought all girls would be like that until I met the other mermaids in Natatoria. They were flighty and only concerned with the latest girly trinket or palace gossip. Quite a disappointment.
    “Yeah, of course I do. Geez, I’ve never heard them called birds before!”
    “Aye,” Badge mumbled something indecipherable under his breath.
    “We’re home,” I heard Sandy sing-song from the front door porthole.
    I sighed, hoping Sandy would subtly explain Badger’s Irish humor to me. “We? Who ya brin’ with ya?” Badge snipped.
    From behind the curtain, Sandy and the redheaded girl who distracted me yesterday stepped into the living space. I shot to my feet.
    “Well, look who’s here,” Badge said, getting to his feet as well. “How’s my lil’ gingernut?”
    “Uncle Badger,” she said playfully and walked forward to give him a hug.
    “You be looking flah today.”
    “Thank you,” the girl said gracefully, smoothing her skirt with her hands.
    Badge whirled around, grabbed Sandy into an embrace, and leaned her backwards, planting a kiss on her lips. “Missed ya, love.”
    I looked away and noticed the redhead girl move aside to keep from getting knocked over, cheeks flushed. Our eyes met for a second and she smiled sheepishly. Adrenaline zinged through my veins.
    Sandy came up for air and righted herself. “I guess I should leave more often,” she said. “I didn’t know Fin would be keeping you company. Let me get everyone some treats.” She disappeared into the kitchen with a dripping wet bag in her hands.
    Awkwardly I stood and waited for Badge to suggest something, watching the redhead girl look everywhere but at me.
    “Well, sit yerselves down.” Badge led us to the couch

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