Eva's Journey

Eva's Journey by Judi Curtin Page A

Book: Eva's Journey by Judi Curtin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Judi Curtin
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cautiously, Ruby opened her fist, and something dropped from her hand into mine.
    Then we stood there, like an evil fairy had turned us into stone.
    â€˜Wow,’ I gasped when I’d got tired of standing there, looking like an idiot made of stone.
    I’m used to beautiful things, but I think this might have been the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. I was a bracelet made of tiny purple and mauve beads. As I moved my hand, the bracelet shimmered in the light, almost like it was half alive.
    â€˜Wow,’ I said again, just before I realised that I couldn’t take presents from Ruby. How could I take anything from a girl who had so little?
    â€˜But I can’t …….’ I began.
    Ruby jumped back like I had punched her.
    â€˜It’s OK. I didn’t buy it,’ she said.
    For one second a horrible thought floated into my mind.
    â€˜I didn’t steal it either, if that’s what you’rethinking,’ she said.
    I shook my head. ‘I’d never think that of you,’ I said, telling a total lie.
    I looked at the bracelet again, and slipped it on to my wrist.
    It felt cool and silky against my skin.
    It matched my purple top perfectly.
    â€˜My mum made it,’ said Ruby. ‘I told her I wanted to give you something for helping me, so she made you this. I hope you like it.’
    I stepped forwards ready to hug her, then decided against it. Ruby
wasn’t a huggy kind of girl.
    â€˜I don’t like it,’ I said.
    Ruby’s face fell, and I rushed to finish what I had started to say.
it. I absolutely love it.’
    Then, for the first time ever, I saw Ruby give a proper smile, and it was almost like she had given me another present.
    As we walked out from the market together, I saw Ella coming along the street with Chloe andAmy. I felt a sudden flush of embarrassment. The more I got to know Ruby, the more I liked her, but the other girls probably still thought of her as the class loser. I wondered for a second if I could duck back into the market, but before I could move, the girls were in front of us. Beside me, I could feel Ruby becoming tense and alert – like she was ready to be offended.
    But I needn’t have worried.
    â€˜Hey, Eva. Hey Ruby,’ said Ella, like seeing us together was the most normal thing in the world. ‘We’re going for hot chocolate. Do you want to come?’
    â€˜No,’ said Ruby.
    â€˜We’d love to,’ I said at the same time, and half-dragging Ruby behind me, I followed the girls into the coffee shop.
    â€˜Let me buy you a hot chocolate,’ I said to Ruby, brandishing my five euro note.
    She shook her head fiercely. ‘I can pay for myself,’ she muttered, and I realised that I had insulted her proud spirit.
    â€˜Whatever,’ I said, half-relieved that I’d be bringing most of the money back home to Mum and Dad.
    Soon the five of us were seated around a big table, stirring marshmallows into our hot chocolate and talking about stuff. Ruby didn’t exactly look relaxed, but she didn’t look like she wanted to run away and hide either.
    â€˜Hey, Eva, cool bracelet,’ said Amy as I reached for extra sugar.
    â€˜Ruby’s mum made it,’ I said.
    â€˜No way,’ said Chloe.
    I nodded. ‘It’s true.’
    â€˜Wow,’ said Ella. ‘She must be a genius.’
    I turned to Ruby. Her face was red, but I could see that she was pleased.
    It turned out to be a lovely day.

    Chapter Nineteen
    O n Sunday, Victoria came to spend the day at my place.
    â€˜Wow,’ she said when she came inside. ‘Did you get a new kitchen put in?’
    Dad smiled.
    â€˜No,’ he said, puffing up with pride. ‘That’s the old kitchen. A friend gave me a few cans of paint he didn’t need, and I used it to paint the units. Nice aren’t they?’
    â€˜Totally,’ said Victoria.
    I wondered if she was being sincere.

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