Ethon (The Other Worlds Series Book 2)

Ethon (The Other Worlds Series Book 2) by M.L. Greye Page A

Book: Ethon (The Other Worlds Series Book 2) by M.L. Greye Read Free Book Online
Authors: M.L. Greye
Olinia stared. That stupid school was apparently everywhere.
    “It sounds fake, Ariel,” Will said. “I wouldn’t get involved in that.”
    “Oh, she’s his sister.” Olinia glanced at Tiara. “Ariel is Will’s younger sister.”
    “Will has a sister?”
    “He used to. She died.” Olinia couldn’t help but feel a little sad for the unsuspecting Will. He would lose his closest sibling along with the rest of his family in an instant. The pain Olinia knew he’d experience later embarrassed her somewhat for sharing in on his private moment with his sister.
    Ariel nodded, flashing her brother a smile. “See? I told you it was weird.”
    Suddenly, Tiara shrieked and fell to the floor, clutching her middle. Olinia dropped next to her, gaping. “What’s wrong?”
    “Time is calling me back,” she muttered through clenched teeth. “I’ve seen what I was supposed to.” 
    “This happens to you every time?” Olinia blinked.
    “Sadly yes,” she moaned. “Before I go, you should know that I have your shimmer stone.”
    “Where?” Olinia blurted.
    “Back in Tlaid.”
    “Please come get me,” she begged. “Legann and I are both stuck in Ethon.”
    “Legann’s with you?” Tiara's eyebrows rose.
    “Yeah, and we’re stuck. Please come save us!”
    “I will.” With that she was gone. One moment she was there and the next she was not.
    Olinia released her breath out in a rush and stood, returning her gaze to Will and his sister. They were quiet now, reading their books. Olinia wanted to cry. The only man she had ever loved was sitting in front of her, completely unaware of her existence. This scene was an instance from his past, before he even knew what the Other Worlds were – before he knew her.
    “What has happened to you, Will?” Olinia whispered. “Where have you gone?”
    She watched him for a few minutes, not wanting to leave his presence. Twenty months was a long time. She had given up on him ever returning during her first year in Ethon. Yet, she knew he wasn’t dead. Will’s Silver Heart had bound his lifeforce to her. As long as she lived, so did he. When Sazx showed up with his story of how it had been less than a day since he’d last seen Olinia, Olinia began to question her resolve to forget Will. Perhaps his twenty-four hours were not up yet after all. Olinia could have believed this if Tiara hadn't just appeared saying it’d been almost a month. 
    It was almost ironic that today was when Globing took Olinia to see Will. October fifteenth was the one day a year she was reminded of him the most. It was his birthday. How could she forget him completely on the day that celebrated his birth? She really wished she could, though. Will was the greatest cause of her internal suffering.
    “Oh, Will,” she breathed, reaching up to her neck where his Silver Heart hung. She never took it off. During those first few months in Ethon, she would fall asleep clinging to it, craving just five more minutes near Will.
    Now, as her time in her Globing grew short, all she wanted to do was just touch him. She could feel her body nearing absolute exhaustion. The Globing was taking its toll, and she would be forced to return to the present soon. But not yet. Never before had she attempted to feel the skin of someone in her Globing adventures – had never cared to really, until now.
    Taking a deep breath, she made her way around the table on shaky legs. She caught a brief whiff of his scent that almost sent her to her knees. This was the closest she had been to him since he’d abandoned her in Ethon. Tears slid down her face unheeded as she reached out one hand. 
    It was the wrong hand. She realized too late her left hand slipping through the air. Will was lost to the shifting of images as her hand took her back to her own time. 
    “No!” Olinia screamed, staring helplessly. 
    Will’s figure and home gave way to her kitchen. She collapsed in a heap onto the floor, while the last of her Globing

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