
Eternity by Hollie Williams Page B

Book: Eternity by Hollie Williams Read Free Book Online
Authors: Hollie Williams
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laughing and kissing, fondling beneath the table and getting steadily drunk, I lost count of how many cocktails I’ve had after the third jug.
    The bar is bustling and there is live music playing, a woman sings blues in dulcet tones, as I lay with my head on his lap, we watch her singing out her heartbreak with the most angelic voice.
    The music lulls my eyes closed and the alcohol dulls the pain in my toes and eventually blurs all my thoughts into oblivion.
    I awake the next day, groggy, my head pounding, I tenderly open my eyes, the shutters are drawn saving me from being blinded by the morning sun, the clock on the wall opposite stating 6.30am. I take a few moments to establish my where abouts and what happened to bring me here. I remember dancing and drinking, far too much, but then it’s a blank. I have snippets of memory, Carlos being here at some point, but it could just have easily been a dream.
    I become aware of the fact that I am naked, then I spot my clothes neatly folded on the chair, Carlos must have been here, I know that I certainly was in no fit state to do it myself.
    Oh God, I hope I didn’t do anything gross like vomit on him, or worse still let slip how much I like him!
    Searching my surroundings I spot his usual note, today on the bedside table. I quickly reach out to it, forgetting my delicate state and instantly regretting such a hasty move, as a thumping pain in my head starts up and my stomach twists into a knot.
    I lay back down waiting patiently for the symptoms to subside before very slowly trying for the note again; I manage it this time with limited discomfort.
    ‘It was a pleasure putting you to bed Ms. Mavers, next time hopefully I will be joining you!
    Give me a call when you wake,
    Carlos x x x’
    My lips twitch into a small smile, but even that tiny movement sends a wave of nausea over me again. I want to call him right now, but first things first, I’m going to have to find a way to cure this hangover!
    I crawl pathetically into the bathroom, urging constantly, barely holding it in; once I arrive I sit up, stretching to turn on the shower without having to stand up properly. The water bursts from the shower head, ice cold, if this doesn’t do it I don’t know what will; still on hands and knees I edge into the cubicle and submerge myself in the freezing waterfall. “AH!” I scream, it’s SO cold, each cascading stream stingy my flesh. I stick my head under, letting my hair take the brunt of it until it is soaked through, then rub my hands over my limbs vigorously until I can stand no more.
    Exiting the shower I wrap myself up in one of the giant, fluffy towels they provide, it has been nicely warming on the heated rail. I feel so much better, the nausea has lifted and I’m wide awake, there is still a niggling ache at the pit of my stomach, but hopefully it’s nothing that some food and a coffee won’t fix.
    Padding through to my bedroom, now wrapped in both the towel and dressing gown, if it weren’t for the air-con I would be sweltering, but as it goes, I am refreshed and comfy in all my towel based attire.
    Picking up the phone I request Room 442 from the receptionist, who has taken to asking how I am and addressing me by name, I must remember to find out her name so I can extend the same courtesy.
    Carlos answers breezy as ever “Hey sweetness, how you feeling today?” Sweetness? This is new, “I’m a little worse for wear, but I’ll survive” I answer, down playing my war wounds, “thanks for being such a gentleman and escorting me back to my room, I am forever indebted to you” I joke.
    “Escorting you?” he asks in turn, “sweet, I carried you! You passed out in the bar so I figured the least I could do is put you to bed, don’t you remember any of it?” there’s a hint of knowing in his voice, oh no, I did do something stupid!
    “Umm…well no, I remember being at the bar, but it all gets a little vague after that” I admit, “did I do anything

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