Escaping Dominance (Heart of a Wolf Series - Trina's Tale)

Escaping Dominance (Heart of a Wolf Series - Trina's Tale) by Marylynn Bast Page B

Book: Escaping Dominance (Heart of a Wolf Series - Trina's Tale) by Marylynn Bast Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marylynn Bast
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“I’m not inviting you over. ”
    “I’m not trying to get invited over. I just want to know that you are safe. You can come to my place.” At her warning look he lifted his hands away from her. “I ’ ll take the couch.”
    She shook her head . In the past she would have taken him up on his offer for protection, not any more. “That’s very sweet of you, but I assure you, I will be okay. ”
    Sebastian cocked his head slowly, his lips compressed. “If you say so, I don’t want to get a call from you tomorrow telling me you’re dead.”
    Trina laughed and back handed him in the arm. “Good night Sebastian and thank you for being a good friend.” She leaned up on the tips of her toes and kissed him on the cheek before turning and getting into her car. She waved when he stood staring at her and pulled out of the parking spot.
    Inside she was twisted. She was enjoying spending time with Sebastian but she didn’t want to jump into another relationship. She knew Dean had done a number on her and she would never allow herself to be i n that kind of situation again.
    Dean was back and now she had to deal with him. She wasn’t going to rely on anyone else to help her out. She would take care of him. Like Amber had said when teaching her to defend herself, Dean would attack to hurt her. He r best bet was to attack first.
    Watching the mirror, s he noticed the grey truck fall in behind her a couple car lengths back . From what she could see, there was a passenger in the truck with him this time. Trina had to think quickly. He would never expect her to be on the offensive. Checking to make sure her gym bag was still in the back seat, a thought hit her and she stepped on the gas.
    There was no real secluded area other than going out into the desert and Trina didn’t want to go out of town. Pulling into the park, she grabbed her pack out of the back seat and pulled out the two sticks she had been practicing with. Her Karate instructor had been impressed with her ability to pick up the skills so quickly. Her werewolf genetics helped and in less than six months she was already getting re ady to test for her black belt.
    She knew the techniques, but if he ever got his hands on her for real he could easily overpower her . Although there were ways to get out of every hold, she just had to remember her training and not allow him to grab her. Her mind made up, she was no longer going to run away.
    He could scent her no matter where she went in the park so she walked calmly to the middle of the grassy area and dropped the gym back , tuck ing the sticks into the waist of her jeans. She stood and waited for him to show up.
    Dean pulled into the parking lot and sat in the truck for a moment.
    Trina knew he was trying to intimidate her and it wasn’t going to work anymore. She was ready for this and stood with her hands hanging loosely at her sides . Her legs shoulder width apart , she waited.
    Opening the door, he slid out of the truck and walked towards her. His eyes flashed yellow and he grinned. “You afraid I’m going to hurt your little boy toy so you send him home to m o mma?”
    Any other time Trina would have be en bowing her head to him. At his approach this time she stood tall, shifting her stance to be able to move quickly if he lunged ; h oping he would. She smiled. “He’s just a friend. I still prefer my girlfriend.”
    That was a ffective in getting a response from him. His lip lifted in a slight snarl. “Don’t push me , bitch.”
    “Can’t fight the truth , babe.” Trina shrugged. Her cocky attitude was rubbing him the wrong way. She waited for the moment when he would come after her, already planning the steps in her head with what she was going to do.
    Dean looked around the park, out into the sprinkling of trees in the distance. “Did you lure me here for a reason?”
    “You were the one following me. I came out for a run and saw you pull up.”
    He still scanned the area.
    “You look a little tense

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