wrist. At least they were smiling.
Jessica suddenly felt butterflies in her stomach intrude on the reverie of wonder at the ship.
Hello Jessica Walker. We are pleased to meet you , she could hear in her head. It came from the female on the left, Jessica sensed. So they were telepathic. She’d half expected that.
Hello, she responded back. The female nodded, then the four of them sat on the grass, an apparent effort to make Jessica and John comfortable.
My name is Alath, the other female with me is Alera. This is Taric, and on the end is Julan . We have watched your actions with great interest.
Jessica glanced at John. He seemed to relax a bit. They sat.
I hope you’ll forgive me for asking , she could hear John ask them, but we are curious what your intentions are for Earth .
Alath smiled. You need not fear us. We are friends of humanity, and in fact you are our descendants. We left you many eons ago in the hands of the Draconians you so deftly managed to push away recently.
Jessica was confused. If the Draconians were a threat, why did you leave us?
We did not leave voluntarily. You asked us to.
And now? Jessica could feel John ask.
Now you have asked for our help, or at least enough of you to make a difference. You are no longer the race we left on what you call Mars, the race that founded Atlantis.
In what regard, Jessica asked.
Your race has become polarized. At one time you had permitted Draconian philosophy and belief to rule your society. This is why they fought back against the Greeks upon landing on Earth, after the destruction of Mars.
Weren’t the Greeks descended from you as well, John asked.
Yes, but from a much older line. It is from the line you call the Greeks that all the races of Earth came into being. The Atlanteans had very little diversity, to their detriment. The Draconians used our colony on Mars as a means to gain a foothold on the system. They foresaw the destruction of the planet and what it would mean. Earth was their goal all along, and with the help of the Atlanteans, they succeeded. Flush with their success they quickly constructed a World Ship to send here to populate the Earth, to feed on the human race.
She could feel John’s surprise well up. Wasn’t Atlantis destroyed over ten thousand years ago? Alath nodded. You mean to tell me that they’ve been traveling in that World Ship for over ten thousand years?
Alath nodded again, smiling.
They have teleportation technology don’t they?
Then why didn’t they just teleport everyone to Earth.
Alath considered her answer. A number of reasons. First, for every technology there is a cost. You have not run into that fact yet, but you will. For them to use teleportation to bring large numbers of Draconian’s to the planet would have used up vast stores of energy they did not wish to waste. Second, you must understand that the Draconian’s feed on emotion, particularly negative emotion. It produces an energy unlike any other, and they have spent the last several millennia helping the human race multiply so they may have more such energy to feed on.
Jessica felt like she was going to be sick. We’re food.
Alath threw her a confused look. It is simply the way the universe exists. Do you not eat animals?
Jessica hung her head. Yes, but I wish I didn’t have to.
Alath chuckled. It was strange since it was the first sound they had heard on the ship beyond the rustling of grass and leaves.
You need not fear this fact. The universe is a more wondrous and magnificent place than you can yet imagine, even with all your power. It is simply the way it is. If you no longer wish to consume, if you wish to contribute instead, we will be happy to show you how. But only if you ask.
Jessica suspected she was talking about mankind in general, not just herself.
What about the Keys? John asked.
Ah, yes, the keys. Alath thought for a moment. The race that built the Keys is ancient, far more so than even ourselves or the Draconians.
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