Enemy Lovers
why I enjoy escaping Clare. The town is rife with gossip, with scandal. Everyone thrives on it, and it’s become worse since the reality show.”
    â€œAll the best people live right here in Clare.” Cassie patted Aaron’s knee, the move familiar and intimate.
    â€œ Eww ,” Laura said. “Don’t do sex things in front of me. I’m young and innocent.” She took a quick breath, hoping to regulate her rapid pulse. “A girl doesn’t like to think about her brother and sex in the same sentence.”
    Aaron chuckled, ribald and knowing, and Laura let her breath ease out. Crisis averted.
    â€œMaybe I should work my wiles on Mason and wriggle the woman’s name out of him,” Cassie said.
    Laura’s stress levels bolted to record levels in seconds flat. Her mouth opened to say…what? There was nothing she could say to divert Cassie, not with nosy interest shining like a glittering prize. “Why would you want to? Doesn’t he have a right to privacy?”
    â€œI can’t believe you’re sticking up for him,” Cassie said.
    Laura rose. “No more gossip for me.” She turned away, searched for James and located him chatting with her father.
    â€œWow, who put a bug up her ass?” Cassie said, the words drifting after Laura.
    Laura crossed the room on shaky legs. Mason had better keep his mouth shut. As for the other gossip, she didn’t believe Dallas was the father of Dianna’s child. She knew that with every part of her gut. Dallas wouldn’t shun his responsibilities.
    â€œJames,” she said with a smile.
    His greeting was guarded. “Laura.”
    â€œI’ll leave you two youngsters alone,” her father said in a jolly voice.
    Laura rolled her eyes. “What have you been telling my parents? They seem to think a marriage between us is a done deal.”
    He sent her a searching look. “Isn’t it?”
    â€œNo. I’m too young to get married, and I think you’re shortchanging your boyfriend if you decide to marry a woman. You’re consigning him, me and yourself to purgatory.”
    James’s mouth tightened to a firm line. He grasped her arm and propelled her to a quiet corner. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
    â€œI’ve done my research. I saw you with him,” she said, not intending to back down. “I don’t have a problem with you or him, but I’m not inserting myself into the mix.”
    â€œMy parents expect me to marry.” He sounded miserable now.
    â€œMy parents expect me to marry you,” she countered. “But that doesn’t mean I intend to follow their wishes. You need to get a backbone.” Another reason she refused to marry him. No one wanted a man they could walk over without breaking a sweat. “Look, I have a temporary solution. We attend social functions together as friends.” She leaned closer and whispered, “I’m interested in someone else too.”
    â€œSomeone your parents don’t approve of?”
    â€œYes.” Best to keep things simple. “What does your boyfriend say?”
    â€œIf I marry a woman, he’ll walk away.”
    â€œDo you love him?”
    â€œYes, we’ve been together for three years. I can’t imagine ever wanting anyone else.”
    â€œJames, you’re an idiot,” Laura said. “You’re willing to risk the love of your life because of tradition, because you want to please your parents.”
    â€œThey’ll disinherit me.”
    â€œI want to meet your boyfriend when we’re both back in Napier. If he’s agreeable, we’ll go to functions with each other, but we will not marry. Is that clear?”
    â€œWhy do you want to help me?”
    â€œBecause I’m dating someone who is totally unsuitable and would send my parents into hysterics. The difference is I’m not willing to follow along like a little

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