End Online: Volume 3
following, but also the little boy
she is meeting.
    The boy is wearing simple
brown clothes, with a white beanie on his head that was pulled down to
cover his ears. Some small wisps of blonde hair poke through the rim of
the beanie, but most appear to have been tucked underneath it.
    There is a strange air
about this boy. He appears to only be eight years old, the same as the girl.
But he had this mysterious aura that causes him to look incredibly elegant.
    The noise I made allowed
these two to become aware that someone is definitely there and look past my
ability. The boy is the first to throw his glance over at me, fear showing in
his eyes. The girl, at the sight of me, seems to be about ready to start crying
when the boy looked back at her.
    “W-what have you done!?”
The boy cries out to the girl next to him. “I told you that you can’t tell
anybody about me, and you led them here!?”
    “N-no! It’s not like
that!” She states back, letting out a few sniffles.
    “You kept saying how you
want me to go over to yours to play. How you want to introduce me to your
parents. Did you let someone come here with you?”
    “I c-checked, there was
nobody f-following me!”
    “Well now I have to tell
me parents, and we will have to move away! I won’t be able to come here again!”
    Even the boy started
tearing up now, while the girl started balling. All I could do was stand there
dumbstruck and witness this scene.
    ‘What the hell did I
just witness. Is this the kids these days? Acting out soap operas?’
    I fail to realize
that my mouth was hanging open. The boy runs off into the woods with a
frightening speed for someone his age, and the girl sprints back to the
hole in the wall in tears.
    I stand there for a good
five minutes before actually doing anything.
    “Lost… I have some
good news and bad news.”  I
hesitantly send a private message to the party leader.
    “Oh? What are they?
Hopefully the bad news isn’t too bad, so start with that.”
    “If you insist… Well,
the bad news is, that I was caught following the girl.”
    “Oh no! Doesn’t that
mean we’ve failed the quest!? Please, what’s the good news?”
    “I found out what she
was up to. I was caught at the end, but I don’t know if that is a good thing or
a bad thing. It seemed like an unavoidable situation at least.”
    Lost let out a sigh over
the private chat before speaking again.
    “I doubt it was
unavoidable. But anyway, I think we still may have passed. Thank you for your
help Verde, really. Meet back at the inn in an hour?”
    I blushed when I heard his
gratitude for my help. Being of use to him really made me feel warm inside.
    “Okay! I will see you
there in an hour!”
am quite shocked and worried when I first hear that Verde was spotted.
Part of the quest description was  not  to get caught, after all. But it seems like
she only got caught at the very end, when we discovered what Rix’s daughter was
doing with the bread. As it turns out, she was giving it to a mysterious boy
outside of town every morning.
    Dropping the thought for
the time being, there is still an hour before I have to meet up with Verde to
turn the quest in.
    “Sorry, Mouse. I like you,
but there is no extra room for any party members.”
    Well, there is room for
one more player. Our sixth party member is technically my companion, Fen. As I
recall, it is possible to have a party with more than six members, but only six
players will get experience, and it will be less than if the party contained
just those six players.
    “Aww, come on,” Mouse
conjects to me, “We have known each other for quite some time. How ’bout if I
just travel with you? I won’t join your party or anything.”
    I give it some thought.
The deal itself should not impact me at all, but that is the thing, I don’t see
what is in it for him. If he came to Grenton to

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