Emerald: Rare Gems Series - Billionaire Wolf Shapeshifter Romance

Emerald: Rare Gems Series - Billionaire Wolf Shapeshifter Romance by Kathi S. Barton Page B

Book: Emerald: Rare Gems Series - Billionaire Wolf Shapeshifter Romance by Kathi S. Barton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathi S. Barton
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“And I’m going to give it to you as soon as I get you ready.”
    As he cut into her leg, the blood poured from the wound. He ran his hands all through it as he got harder and harder, his cock aching to come. As soon as he was covered in it, he fisted his cock again and felt his balls tighten up. Before he came, however, he reached into his pocket and pulled on a condom.
    “We don’t want any little surprises now, do we?” As soon as he had it fitted over him, he fisted his cock again. This time he held his balls tightly as he watched the blood pour from her.
    Nolan came twice while she was tied up. He knew that she’d want some sort of relief too, but he was making her wait for a bit. Women liked that kind of shit with him, and he kind of enjoyed it himself. After disposing of the used condom by flushing the commode three times, he turned on the shower and stepped in.
    After he cleaned with a hot shower, he opened the bathroom medicine cabinet to have a looksee while he dried off. He’d found the prescription almost as soon as he opened it. The clear bottle and the syringes were laying on the bottom shelf.
    “Anticoagulant. U F Heparin,” he read aloud. “Take three times daily.” He looked at the back of the bottle, and it had all kinds of warnings on it. Test. If bleeding is profuse, call nine-one-one. Nolan walked back into the bedroom to see what profuse might mean to her, and was surprised to see that she wasn’t breathing. Nolan went into panic mode.
    It wasn’t as if he wasn’t going to kill her anyway. That was his plan all along. But the fact that she’d died before he’d had his fun and that she’d bled out without him having any say in it had given him a scare. Not a big one, but enough to throw him off his game. He’d panicked, and that was what nearly got him fucked up.
    Calling the police was out of the question. They’d be there before he got a chance to clean up, and there was no fucking way he could do this quickly. As he began gathering his things—tape, box knife, and a couple of other things he’d used on her—he congratulated himself on parking on the street over from this one. It was a habit he’d been doing for years. He was pulling the tape off when he thought of the residue it might leave.
    “Think.” He sat down and took several deep breaths. He had to be calm or like the people who got caught, he’d be in jail in a matter of minutes. Nolan reached for his bag of tools and counted them. Realizing that he was missing one, he searched everywhere. He found it still in the bed with the woman. She’d been playing with it the entire time, he knew it.
    Then he went to the bathroom. He’d been wearing gloves, of course, but he still wiped things down. Putting the bottle back on the shelf, he flushed the toilet three more times to make sure that the condom was gone as well. He had heard about things being taken from the toilet and getting some of his fellow cohorts caught. This was not going to be his downfall.
    The bedroom was a little trickier. Nolan went to the door twice and walked in the way they had to see what he might have touched. Nothing but her. And that had only been to help her on the bed, then tie her down. Taking out the alcohol pads he used to wipe over surfaces before sticking anything to it, he wiped her arms down, and her ankles. As he finished with each pad, he made sure he put it into the zip bag he’d brought. Calming now, he left the bedroom and went down the hall to the front door, counting his tools again as he went. Everything was there. But things were not as they had been left by him and the woman.
    The front door had not been touched by him, not even to open the door. Another habit he’d gotten into. He never wanted any of the bitches to come back on him saying that he’d forced his way in. As he moved to the door, he noticed almost immediately that he was in deeper shit than he’d thought. The door was open just a little.
    Then he had heard a

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