Embracing Ember

Embracing Ember by Astrid Cielo Page B

Book: Embracing Ember by Astrid Cielo Read Free Book Online
Authors: Astrid Cielo
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awaiting the rest of her explanation. Ashwin smiled as she took in her surroundings, as if remembering something from a time past. She sighed then began to speak, her voice wistful, “We used to play here. We were inseparable even as children. The other boys used to make fun of him because he had such a baby-face. I thought he was handsome. Even when we grew up, he kept his fine features, much to his displeasure. I loved him so much. I still do…”
    Ember interrupted, her mind working at the speed of light, “He blames himself for your death,” she stated in understanding.
    Ashwin nodded sadly, “I held on for so long, because I knew he wouldn’t accept that I was going to die. He hadn’t accepted the other’s deaths, so I knew he would never deal with mine. He was always like that though – shouldering everything and accepting blame that wasn’t his to accept. It was one of the reasons he became such a good healer. He cared deeply and felt every loss. I hate that my death has hurt him so much, but I had to let go, it was my time. Like I said, I dreamed of you, and I just knew that someday he would be okay. Heal him Ember. I know it won’t be easy, but I know that you already love him.”
    Ember’s eyes widened in surprise, sure she liked Ceylon, but love? She wasn’t healed enough from Landon’s cruelty to even contemplate loving Ceylon. She enjoyed spending time with him, even looking forward to him holding her until she fell asleep. She was attracte3d to him; he made her breath catch and her heart beat out of control with just a look. She cared for him, but did she love him? Ember looked up to question Ashwin further, but she was gone and the dream world around her was fading as her consciousness pulled her to wakefulness. She felt the jostle as Ceylon carried her placing her gently on her bed. She kept her eyes closed, feigning sleep. Ceylon smoothed the hair from her face and softly kissed her lips. He left her never seeing the tears in her eyes as she realized that she really and truly loved Ceylon.
    Ceylon took in Ember’s profile, her flame red hair that normally brushed past her shoulders was pulled into a ponytail with tendrils of hair flying haphazardly around her head. Her hands worked expertly with the paintbrush, her bottom lip held hostage between her teeth. She seemed alive, more alive than he ever remembered seeing her. She had come a long way in since her brush with death. From the shy and fearful female that jumped at every turn, to the exuberant female before him.
    He watched as she took a deep breath and released it before laying her brush down on the palate on the stool behind her. She rolled her shoulders and smiled her face lighting up with her accomplishment. He took a few steps toward her, intent on seeing the painting she seemed so pleased about, but his feet stopped and his breath left him in a whoosh. Staring back at him, the hazel eyes he remembered from childhood stared back at him from the canvas. How? Why? He looked at Ember whose face fell and changed from happy to that of concern. “What’s wrong, Ceylon?” she asked. Her eyes traveled to her painting and she frowned before her eyes widened, “I had a dream,” she whispered.
    Ceylon looked down into her green eyes before replying, “What dream?” his eyes never leaving the painting.
    “I dreamed of Ashwin, we were in a field that she said you and her played in,” Ember stated. “I had this overwhelming urge to paint her, and when that happens, I have to do it.”
    Ceylon nodded as he looked over the painting. The familiar guilt he felt was there, as well as a love for her he knew would never go away. She had been an important part of his life, they had grown up together. She was his best friend. But oddly, even knowing how much she meant to him, Ember close proximity still called to him, tantalizing him with her scent – cherry blossom, he now knew after smelling the lotion

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