Embraced By Passion

Embraced By Passion by Diana DeRicci Page B

Book: Embraced By Passion by Diana DeRicci Read Free Book Online
Authors: Diana DeRicci
Tags: Erótica
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something, his mouth opening then closing with a grunted snap.
    Ja’Rol looked away, avoiding her searching, a heaved breath rolling his frame.
    “It’s nothing you need to worry over, love,” Slone said. With a raised hand, he stroked a finger down her cheek. “It’s just, we don’t want to rush you. You’ve known us a very few days. Not nearly long enough for you to be certain.”
    “Certain?” she whispered. The heat in his gaze was mesmerizing.
    Ja’Rol’s hand curled over her hip and he turned toward her, his chest pressing closer to her back until his breath warmed her ear. “Do you believe us when we say we care for you? About you?”
    “Yes, I do.”
    Slone’s lips grazed where his finger had just been. “Do you believe it’s possible to love, unconditionally?”
    Her skin felt like his lips had branded her, their heat shooting clear through her.
    “Because we do. We believe it,” Slone said, wrapping one of her hands into his. “We want you, just like we said this morning. And yes, it would be permanent, if you can accept everything there is about us.”
    The slightest breeze blew over them, the heat of the streets fading under the cool moisture in the air from the lake. The Strip was busy with the menagerie of sound and light and people passing, laughing or talking, but none of the world penetrated. It was those three, and no one else.
    “Accept?” Her voice was almost non-existent. “Because you were already lovers?”
    Slone shook his head, and Ja’Rol dropped light kisses to the skin beneath her ear.
    “No, pet. Accept the real us.”
    She shivered, and as close as they both were to her, she found no way to keep it hidden. She didn’t think he was trying to sound ominous, but he was. “I don’t understand.”
    “I know, love.” Slone stepped back, creating breathing room. Even Ja’Rol straightened, though neither completely let her go. “Let’s go back to the room. I want to hold you both. I need to feel you, and I can’t do it here.”
    Each clasped a hand, their stride matching hers as they strolled with intent toward their own hotel.
    Barely yards had passed before she stopped, nearly frozen. “Wait.” Both turned to face her, neither letting her go. She licked her lips, her insides a swarm of confusion. “Are you saying you love me?” She whipped from green and blue eyes to honeyed brown, and back again. There was nothing fake or false in either man’s expression. “In just two days? You didn’t know me before I showed up in your office three days ago.”
    Her heart kicked into a hard paced tattoo, beating against her chest. This wasn’t how it happened. Love never worked this way, and never for her.
    “Would you believe either one of us if we said yes?” Slone asked her, patience and understanding woven into his words, felt through his touch.
    Brigit’s eyes closed. It wasn’t possible, was it? She cared for them. Both had been exceptionally wonderful, to her and to her mother. And as he’d said, they’d done nothing to generate mistrust from her.
    “I don’t know,” she admitted.
    “Don’t fear us, pet,” Slone murmured, coming close to whisper into her ear. “Don’t let your past make you see something that isn’t there. Don’t let it ruin this precious chance.” Then when he kissed her, so softly on the lips, she swayed.
    When her eyes opened, both watched her.
    “Let us love you, Brigit.”
    “Because, yes, we already love you.”
    Emotions blindsided her, but shock was one of the largest. “You do, don’t you?”
    “Completely,” they both said in unison.
    Brigit stood nearly frozen, the only movement was her eyes, flicking back and forth. She couldn’t begin to ask how they could be so sure. For them, it merely was, and they could accept it. She wasn’t that lucky.
    “Do you want to be with us?” Ja’Rol leaned forward then, deftly sipping at her ear before standing straight again.
    Brigit licked her lips and nodded. She

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