Embrace The Dawning (The Covenant Series Book 1)

Embrace The Dawning (The Covenant Series Book 1) by Betty Shreffler Page B

Book: Embrace The Dawning (The Covenant Series Book 1) by Betty Shreffler Read Free Book Online
Authors: Betty Shreffler
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Kayci slowly headed for the door. She was fairly intoxicated and desperately tried to gather her wits.
    As she moved closer to the door, she heard Adrian’s voice. His tone startled her.
    “Kayci, open up.”
    Kayci looked at Elise before opening the door. “It’s Adrian.”
    Elise seemed to settle a bit but was blatantly curious at the unexpected late-night visit.
    Kayci opened the door to see Adrian displaying his full vampire appearance—fangs bared, eyes sharp and bright gold. His cheeks unusually blushed. His posture tense. She stepped back in surprise and instinctively tried to hide him from Elise’s view.
    “Has anyone been here since I left?”
    Adrian was seriously disturbed by something. Kayci stared at him, bewildered. She glanced at Elise and then back at him.
    He realized Elise’s presence and stepped back from the door to hide his appearance. He quickly tried to compose himself in an effort to conceal his fangs and golden eyes.
    “Just Elise. Why?” Kayci asked.
    “Dammit.” Adrian’s expression changed from concern to comprehension.
    He peered into the darkness. He could sense them.
    “She set me up,” he muttered.
    Kayci looked in the direction Adrian stared. She saw nothing, but remembered the last time he behaved this way.
    “Adrian, what is going on?!” Kayci demanded.
    Adrian looked back at Kayci, his golden eyes filled with concern. “You’re not safe. We need to talk.”
    “What do you mean I’m not safe?!”
    Adrian looked up in frustration. He caught a glimmer of a bright light above his head and examined it more closely. When he focused on the charm dangling above the door, the bright light flashed boldly into his eyes. He squinted in pain. He recognized the heat rising on his skin. He stepped back instinctively as his hands began to smolder.
    Kayci stared at Adrian. She had forgotten about the talisman.
    She stepped out of the doorway and went to Adrian, who stared at his scorched hands.
    “Adrian, I’m sorry. Are you okay?”
    Adrian tried to smile. His discomfort dissipated now that he had stepped away from the talisman. Luckily for him she hadn’t hung it on her door like she was supposed to have done.
    “Are you a witch?”
    “No. Met one today though. She gave me a few things to help keep unwanted guests from entering my home.”
    “Like me?” Adrian asked, disappointed.
    “No,” Kayci admitted. “Others. Like the one that attacked me and the one from outside Blue Moon.”
    Relief flooded through Adrian.
    “Luckily for me you didn’t hang it in the right place. Otherwise, I’d be in a lot more pain right now.”
    Kayci stared up at Adrian and smiled. She reached out and touched his hands and rubbed them as they healed before her eyes. She was fascinated by how quickly his skin regenerated. She started to tell him how much slower hers regenerated, and quickly caught herself.
    She looked up to see him attentively staring down at her. His golden eyes mesmerized her. They glistened under the bit of moonlight that illuminated her porch. She hadn’t realized before how bright and beautiful the golden color really was. She had been too distracted. Now she found herself entranced like a moth drawn to a flame. As he gazed down at her, the familiar butterflies returned. This time she didn’t push them away. Perhaps the alcohol influenced her. Either way, she couldn’t bring herself to pull away. She wanted to be closer. And the humming sensation between them. What is it? Why does it feel so captivating?
    “I’m glad I put it in the wrong place too,” she replied softly.
    Adrian felt the energy between them increasing. It was as hot as the small flames that had burned his skin, except pleasurable. She desired him, and with the alcohol she had consumed, her guard had finally come down. He was experiencing her true feelings and didn’t want it to end. He brought his hand to her face and gently brushed his thumb across her cheek and through her hair. She reached up and

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