Elly in Love (The Elly Series)

Elly in Love (The Elly Series) by Colleen Oakes Page B

Book: Elly in Love (The Elly Series) by Colleen Oakes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Colleen Oakes
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look at these centerpieces. Look at the floor! The other florists you visit today, I can tell you what you will find: you will find something ordinary.” She sat back in her seat. “We are extraordinary.” Her eyes twinkled and Elly swore she had never seen her look so mesmerizing. She had been on a roll until she proudly declared, “And I am also extraordinary.”
    Gemma glared back at her with annoyance, but Elly swore the man holding the suitcase was actually drooling. “Yes, you are,” he murmured quietly.
    Gemma clicked her pen once and then packed her clipboard into her suitcase, slamming it shut. “We’ll be in touch. Are you ready to go?” The photographer was running around the room, taking pictures of every surface. “These petals have the most gorgeous texture!” he cried.
    “That’s great, let’s go,” Gemma ordered.
    At that moment, Anthony strolled out of the back, carrying a bucket of pink and white gerbera daisies. His eyes panicked when he saw the photographer. “Oh hello!” he said cheerfully. “My name is Anthony! I do many important things here at Posies. Yes. I work here.” He looked at Elly and shrugged.
    Gemma eyed Elly with fascination as she rose from the table. “I’ve left a contract for you to look over if we pick you.” Looking over at Snarky Teenager she said, “If you’re ever interested in a career in television, let me know. You can’t want to make flower arrangements for the rest of your life, can you?”
    She clicked out the door to where an idling black Lincoln Town Car waited for her. The man with the suitcase followed her, but not before he not so smoothly slipped his business card to Snarky Teenager and gave her a wink.
    The photographer walked up to Elly and took her hand warmly in his. “Thank you for letting me photograph your breathtaking work. It’s incredible. This made my month.” He kissed her hand fondly.
    The door to the shop closed, sending a flurry of pink petals into the street. Elly walked over and sat down at her desk, angrily kicking the rose petals out of her way. “It was a nice try,” she sighed. “I blew it. I totally blew it. Why did I talk about Aaron’s wedding last year? I wasn’t thinking. There were way better examples. I think I probably was quite rude to her when I got upset.” She looked down at the table with tears swimming in her eyes. “What is wrong with me? Why did I even think I could get this? I knew I would never be a person someone wanted to watch on TV. Let’s face it, I would be a train wreck on camera.”
    Anthony walked over and put his arms around her. She clutched his arm. “And you, you were almost as terrible as I was! All around, we are a wreck.” He smiled.
    Snarky Teenager stared silently out the window. She turned, the bright spring colors bursting out from behind her. “No. We totally got it.”
    Elly frowned. “ What? ”
    “We got it.”
    “Were you at that interview? Did you see how Ms. Gemma Reynolds hates me?”
    “I don’t know. She might have a begrudging respect for you, but I don’t think she wants our shop for the job. But did you even bother to look at the card that guy handed to me?”
    Elly hadn’t. She picked it up. “Mr. Jackson, executive producer.” Elly looked up, thoroughly confused. “ What? ”
    Snarky Teenager shook her head. “You were so nervous that you overlooked every detail that matters. Gemma Reynolds is the associate producer. Mr. Jackson is the executive producer. That was her boss sitting next to her. That’s why she was so aggressive and eager to impress him.”
    Elly frowned. “Well, why did Gemma do the interview, then?”
    “Do you think a man wants to interview a florist? No. He just has the final say but doesn’t want to do too much work. He comes in and sees what everything looks like and lets her ask the questions.”
    “But I thought the celebrity chose?”
    “Oh, please. It’s all the producers, I’m sure. They only say that to hook

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