Ella Minnow Pea

Ella Minnow Pea by Mark Dunn Page B

Book: Ella Minnow Pea by Mark Dunn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mark Dunn
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thug-uglies arrest, thrash—then expel. The high priests generate their alpha-elisions, then return to their lairs to eat what tasties were put there, while praying to Nollop, paying homage to Nollop, stooping, prostrating, salaaming to Nollop. Ignoring all humanity in their Nollop-apotheosis.
    Let us say Nollop
all-hallow preeminent Omnipotentate, why—still—shut out all those with whom one shares this planet? Were we put here on this earth only to worship? Exalting Nollop is to erase all that is non-Nollopian upon this isle. To utterly erase an upright, meritorious people. Genoerasure.
    Oh the humanity!
    So, tea tomorrow? I eagerly await your response.
    PS. 43! 43! One step nearer our goal. I hope that Tom was all right with that hug.
    My girl wove six dozen plaid jackets before she quit.
    Sunshine, Norepinephrine 5
    Miss Pea,
    A pleasure it was to meet you two nights ago. Your smile warms me, illuminating the gloom. (The hug was pleasant as well.)
    We are alone at the institute now—Mannheim, his girl Paula, yours truly. The entryways are hasp-shut; though we easily mount the trellis next to our lunette to gain entry. We then may toil on, without espy-ation. The other pupils—the other worthy assistants—they are, alas, all gone.
    None, I am happy to say, went willingly.
    We, Miss Pea, (may I appell you Ella?) are the only ones who persist now in Enterprise 32. The others who remain on this isle plow their energies into hunting aliments, into maintaining shelter in these unsure, austere times. As a people, we Nollopians now seem to exist only elementally. Outright primals we are now!
    Piteous loss.
    A loss, though, that I may not examine too long as my mission shouts my name.
mission. We are true partners in this.
    May I also note that you are pleasingly pretty? (I let that slip out, I am sorry! I meant it, though!)
    Mannheim’s girl Paula will rap on your portal soon. She will present our latest attempt. There is little time. 11 sun-to-suns. Then the 16th.
    “U” is gone. I suppose you’re aware. The 1st aeiouy to go. Up until now the other graphemes were not aeiouys. When the aeiouys start to go, Ella, writing to you turns exponentially more grueling. I will not throw in the towel, though. I trust that you won’t either. I truly relish our partnership.
    Perhaps we may sup together tomorrow night at the unilearnity? I will show you how to shinny up the trellis.
    I got lime gelatin!
    Your ally

Th * ** i ** * r * wn * ox ** mps o ** r the la * y ** g
    [Slipped beneath a neighbor’s front door]
    Monty, Nostromo 6
    Hello there.
    I am Ella—the one who smile at y’all yesters. Whose home is near. I am writing to people who are still here. Who I still see in the streets, who peep at me—wall-in, porthole, portiere people. Wanting to say something, with anxiety stilling erstwhile galloping yammers. It is important that we say something to one another—any little thing. We are not low-tier animals. We are higher entities, am I right? Say something. A greeting. Anything.
    It is important, as well, that we stay in nearness to one another—not only in the proximital sense—in the sense also as persisters—inheritors. We are all that remains—the ones who maintain the remnants—the Nollop that earlier was.
    Retreat is not an option.
    [Slipped beneath the Minnow Pea front door]
    Monty, No-way 6
    Insane woman name Ella:
    Retreat is what we want. Go away. Let we alone.
    [Posted on the Minnow Pea front door]
    Monty, Nostomania 6
    This letter I post on this here portal in hopes that Mittie might see it. That Mittie is staying here at her sister’s home now. I hope hope hope it is so. I am in a home not too remote. Three homes away. It was empty when I got here. It is
home now.
    It was a long trip—2 night-to-nights—to get here on shoe—to get to where my ally Mittie perhaps is. I ate

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