Elizabeth Meyette - [Love's 01]

Elizabeth Meyette - [Love's 01] by Love's Destiny Page B

Book: Elizabeth Meyette - [Love's 01] by Love's Destiny Read Free Book Online
Authors: Love's Destiny
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    “I enjoyed our frolic in the stream today, Emily. You are quite lovely, you know.”
    Emily’s heart lifted at the compliment.
    “And you are quite impetuous, Captain,” she laughed. “I enjoyed it, too. Especially when you got the soaking you deserved!”
    “As I recall, madam, I am not the only one who got soaked. Nor that deserved to!”
    “Why, Captain, you cannot mean me!”
    They laughed together remembering the gaiety, and their laughter faded to smiles as they remembered lying in the grass.
    Emily found Jonathon’s eyes upon her and, for a moment, time stopped. Her heart raced in her chest, and her body longed to be in his arms. The memory of his kiss aboard the Destiny seeped into her mind; her lips felt the fire as if it had happened just a moment before. She looked down at her hands, and then rose. He rose, too, and stood in front of her.
    “Well, I think I shall retire,” she said softly.
    Clenching his fists at his side, Jonathon fought down the urge to take her in his arms, press her body close, and kiss her long and full.
    “Good night, Em.”
    She chanced a look at him, blue eyes meeting brown, and the flicker of candlelight golden upon her face.
    “Good night,” she whispered and swept past him.
    Jonathon went inside and poured himself a brandy. Returning to his seat on the veranda, he silently toasted Emily. He sat deep in thought until the grandfather clock in the hall struck midnight.
    • • •
    Emily was puzzled as she entered the parlor, where Dulcie said Deidre awaited her. The morning sun streamed in, and a light breeze billowed the lace curtains. Muted voices drifted in from the gardens as Joanna supervised the work there.
    Deidre maintained a cool, sophisticated mien when Emily appeared, though no doubt anger and jealousy roiled within her. She looked the girl over, taking in her tawny hair, highlighted golden by the sun, and her shapely figure enhanced by the simple, yellow frock she wore. The result of her scrutiny served only to increase her reined emotions.
    “Good morning, Deidre,” Emily said as she took a seat across from her.
    “Well, Emily, you look just lovely today.”
    Not sure how to take this, Emily merely smiled.
    “Quite a contrast to the scene I witnessed yesterday.” Deidre lowered her eyelids as if properly scandalized. “That is what I came to talk to you about, my dear. At your age I am sure that you do not understand about… well… proper decorum. I thought we might have a little chat so I could help you begin to act more… uh… ladylike.” Deidre looked at her feigning concern.
    “Just how old do you think I am, Deidre? Why not cease this charade and tell me why you came?”
    Deidre, kept her composure momentarily. Then, deciding on a course of action let her guard down, and the motherly smile that had been on her face melted into a sneer.
    “All right, Emily, I shall be frank. I have known Jonathon for many years, very intimately ,” she stressed the word. “He is a mature man who appreciates a woman who is… shall we say, knowledgeable. I do not wish to see our relationship disturbed by you and your conniving ways. I see your game here; you have wormed your way into this house, and you have set your sights on Jonathon. It does not take much to see through your scheme, and I must compliment you on the success of it so far. But I warn you, Emily, find a nice young man your own age and keep away from Jonathon.”
    Emily was livid at the woman’s impudence, but she sat calmly, not showing her rage. Picking an imaginary piece of lint off her skirt she casually looked at Deidre.
    “Tell me this, Deidre. In my grand scheme, as you call it, how did I arrange for my father to drown at sea?”
    Deidre recoiled as if she had been slapped. Emily did not intend to let her off that easily.
    “Deidre, my dear,” she said sweetly, “Jonathon is a man of the world; both of us understand that. I appreciate your jealousy because, as we both know,

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