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Book: Elias by Amy Love Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy Love
suggested with nervous bravery.
    "I want you too," he replied, and stripped off his shirt. Then he undid his pants and stripped those off as well.
    She motioned with her finger. "Come on down here and I'll take care of that want you have."
    "Only you can do that for me," he said, and then came into the bed with her.
    "That's a very good thing. I was wondering who I was going to get to take care of you if you didn't want sex with me anymore," she told him. "But I couldn't think of anyone I wanted to be loving you."
    "You are the only one I want loving me Chelsea," he told her, gathering her up and suckling her breast.
    She ran her hands through his thick dark hair and rubbed her thighs together to ease the ache that was building up in her vagina.
    "I still don't understand why you want me, but it doesn't really matter, does it? I mean, if you want me and I want you, isn't that all that really matters?"
    "Yes baby, that's the only important part," he agreed.
    "Then I'll think about the rest later on," she told him. "I want to do whatever you want me to do, Elias, because I know you don't want to hurt me."
    "You're right baby, I don't. I just want you to feel like I do when I'm with you. And you make me feel very good."
    "Is there anything special I could do for you?"
    "Everything you do for me is special, Chelsea. Everything."
    She gazed into his eyes, and came to a decision. "I feel very confused, Elias. This was all so simple yesterday, now everything is mixed up inside of me. I'm just going to believe you. Honestly, I can't do anything else. It's all twisted up, and awkward inside. So, I'm just going to believe you."
    "Are you confused about having sex?"
    "No, it's not that at all. I want to be your lover, and I… I need you, Elias. I feel like you shouldn't want me, but you say you do, and I feel like I don't deserve you, but I still need you. So, I'm just going to believe you really do want me, and just enjoy you. Is that alright?"
    "That is very much alright, lover. Because it is true; I do want you. Will you stay with me? Will you keep your things in our room?"
    "Our room?" she asked.
    "Yes, our room. It's not just mine anymore. You trusted me enough last night to risk telling me some very painful things because you knew I needed to know. I'm very grateful you did. You were right, I did need to know. You hurt yourself doing it though. You hurt yourself taking care of me. Now it’s my turn to take care of you. So yes, baby, just trust me, and we'll get through this together. I'll take care of you until you are able to deal with the confusion. I promise."
    He sounded sincere, and he didn't sound like he wanted to hurt her, and so far he hadn't hurt her at all, so she said, "Yes."
    And when he leaned down to kiss her, she didn't quiver with shame or recoil from him. She offered herself to his lips and embraced him.
    He was gentle with her at first. Taking his time with her. She wondered if he was being so gentle because he knew she was broken. She was going to tell him that Doc told her she was strong, so he didn't need to coddle her like a child, but then his passion began to take over, and his hands became strong again.
    Chelsea purred under his rising strength. She felt stronger, as if she was gathering strength through him. The more he poured into her, the stronger she felt. Give it to me Elias, I can take it, she sighed to herself, and as though he could hear her thoughts, he did give it to her. His hands kneaded her ass and thighs, and cupped her breasts, and pulled at her nipples. She moaned with pleasure and joy, feeling that they really were going to be okay now.
    When he entered her, she pushed back with her own hips and squeezed his cock with the walls of her pussy, then moved with his rhythm, groaning with delight and fire.
    "Yes Elias, yes. Make me yours. I want to be all yours."
    Her words seemed to ignite

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