Edge of Darkness ~ A Darkness & Light Novel Book Three

Edge of Darkness ~ A Darkness & Light Novel Book Three by K. L. Schwengel Page A

Book: Edge of Darkness ~ A Darkness & Light Novel Book Three by K. L. Schwengel Read Free Book Online
Authors: K. L. Schwengel
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items for the infirmary, then wandered back to her rooms.
    Another gust of wind pounded against the shutters and Ciara blew out a sigh. She added another log to the fire before settling onto the thick fur before the hearth with a copy of Majikal Theory and Practikal Applikation by Simmionne of Raster. The title proved to be far more interesting than the tome itself. The author spent far too much time on theory, and not nearly enough on application. He did include a short section on spells, most of which Ciara already knew in one form or another. He mentioned the elymentuls , and spent at least ten pages naming them and describing their properties, but never telling the reader how to go about actually calling them.
    A knock on the door brought a welcome distraction, and Ciara snapped the book shut, dropping it on the table as she went to answer it.
    "I bumped into Garek's page on the way up," Ariadne said by way of greeting as she entered the study and handed Ciara a small pouch.
    The man who followed her in closed the door quietly behind them. Rain dripped from the heavy cloak slung over the crook of his arm, and plastered his short dark hair against his head. A smile toyed with the corners of his mouth as Ariadne gestured him forward to make the introduction.
    "Ciara, this is Ferris."
    "A pleasure, m'lady." His soft voice carried a thick, northern accent, similar to Bolin's but much more pronounced. He bowed from the shoulders, catching Ciara's hand and raising it to his lips to brush a respectful kiss across her knuckles.
    Ariadne said he wasn't a soldier, but his bearing, the leather armor decorated with a familiar knot design, and the weapons at his hip, made Ciara think otherwise. Something about him reminded Ciara of Bolin, enough for her to guess they were related. She supposed they would be, both being of Sciathian blood and so little of that still in existence. He stood about as tall as Bolin, though not as broad, clean-shaven, and with dark blue eyes that glittered warmly.
    "I wish I could say I'm glad to meet you as well," Ciara said. "But given why you're here, I'm going to guess things aren't going well with swaying the mages to our side."
    "That would be an accurate assessment, I'm afraid," Ariadne said. She went to stand before the fireplace, turning one way and then the other to catch its warmth. "I hoped to stay the Council for a few days, mire them down in defending their positions and explaining their actions, but they're insistent on warding you and Andrakaos both. Honval is convinced you have no control over your power. Thadeus and I should be able to keep them occupied for one more day at the least, after which, I am certain they will be calling for you to appear before them again to see it done. Which means, you're going to have to leave tonight."
    Ciara nodded glumly. Even though she'd prepared for the moment, she held a fool's hope the Council would give in to Ariadne. "Will they send someone after me?"
    "Undoubtedly. Vaedryn isn't the type to let something like this go, and he needs to take full advantage of Bolin's absence."
    "Are you sure it wouldn't be wiser to stay and face them?" Ciara asked, even though the thought of it made her recent meal feel like a rock in her stomach. "If I have something to answer for, then I should do so. Running and hiding won't help me, or Bolin."
    "Trust me," Ariadne said. "It is, at the moment, the best course of action." She tipped her face toward the ceiling, a distant look in her eyes. When she lowered her gaze back to Ciara it held a question. "Where is Andrakaos?"
    Ciara feigned nonchalance. "Sleeping, I suppose. Or sulking. He can be quite the child at times. I don't think he's very happy with being left behind."
    Ariadne's chin lifted, and her cerulean eyes shaded to a darker blue than normal. Out of the corner of her eye, Ciara saw Ferris shift his stance. The Emperor's sister folded her hands in front of her, awarding Ciara a look of equal parts demand and

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