Eden High Series 2 Book 3

Eden High Series 2 Book 3 by Jordan Silver Page A

Book: Eden High Series 2 Book 3 by Jordan Silver Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jordan Silver
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her to me, so there must be something else at play.
    It couldn’t be sex, because Jace and I had amazing sex when we were together. No way that country bumpkin was better in bed than me. Or maybe he was more into the innocent little virgin act. I don’t buy that either. We’d been good together, with him I didn’t have to pretend, or imagine that I was anywhere else to get off.
    So what was it that he saw in her really? What could someone like her have that I didn’t? She didn’t even belong, wasn’t part of our crowd. I’d known Jace since we were kids, well since mom married up and we moved out here. He’d never shown any interest in me until last summer. Of course I’d worked my ass off to bring that happy occurrence about.
    I knew who he was, had always set my sights on him. Even as a ten year old I had a pretty good idea what I wanted. I liked pretty things and who better to get them for me than the heir to everything Hollywood. Sure they were other rich kids, sons of leading actors or movie producers, but everyone knew that Jace’s family were the cream of the crop in our circle. I wanted the best and he is it. Not to mention he looks like a walking sex dream.
    I’d gone out of my way to be everything I thought he wanted. By the time we hooked up I’d already started my little collection, but so what? men do it all the time, why can’t I? But after we became a couple, I’d put all that aside. I knew if I played it right I could be set for the rest of my life.
    But then just a few months in, something changed. He grew distant and cold, and then he broke it off. I know there was no way he saw through me. But now I’m not so sure. The last few times he’s looked at me like I was something horrible. I can’t stand it. Can’t stand that he’s now with her. And the way he’d protected her from me. It was not to be borne.
    I calmed myself down before the machine next to me went haywire and the nosy ass nurse came waltzing in here with her crap. I didn’t need any more needles or pills. What I needed was out of here.
    I felt helpless just laying here, something else I hate. I worked too hard to get where I am and I’ll be damned if I’m going to let some hick from the sticks come in and rain on my parade.
    Now that I’m laid up here, that bitch Sian has been running my school like she thinks she’s the queen of Eden High, or at least that’s the way that idiot Liz had made it sound.
    It just burns me up to even imagine it. Her walking the halls with my Jace and everyone thinking they were the new ‘it’ couple. I didn’t like the lilt in Liz’s voice when she was relaying the news either. I’m gonna have to remind her who owns her stupid ass too. A week and a half away and already things were getting away from me.
    Plus, I have to get out of here so I can find out what the hell is going on and which one of the assholes in my little black book tried to do me in. I leafed through my meal ticket as my mind raced with all the possibilities. It was true that I’d been squeezing all of them in one way or the other, some of them going back at least a year. But why would any of them risk going to jail?
    That was too much to think about now, let the cops handle it. I had other things to take care of first. Like erasing that bitch from my life once and for all. I may not have the answers for the other, but that I knew I could do. On my own this time since I’m surrounded, by idiots who don’t know their heads from their ass.
    It would be great if I could get the ball rolling from my hospital bed, but I don’t trust this place. Who knows who’s listening in on the phone or even right outside the door? I’d already pushed my luck too far as it is and the cops weren’t being too helpful these days. Not since Jace’s dad had scared them off. But I had my ways around that too once I was out of here.
    Shelly has been a gold mine but I’ve used up my resources there I think. She might be a little slow but

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