Easterleigh Hall

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Book: Easterleigh Hall by Margaret Graham Read Free Book Online
Authors: Margaret Graham
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‘Auberon, you insisted on university and I supported you because it’s so much more suitable than the grubby world of business, but you’ve made me out a fool. Therefore this is where you’ll remain. There’ll be no more drinking, no more gambling. How dare you when we are economising, when we are threatened on all sides by this lunatic Lloyd George who is attempting to redistribute our wealth to pay for his absurd welfare reforms.’
    â€˜But Stepmama . . .’
    â€˜Do not interrupt, Auberon. For heaven’s sake, boy, can’t you understand the severity of the situation? They demand a much higher income tax from those with our wealth, plus an inheritance tax, and land tax, and all for these workers who threaten us on all sides, wanting more. If it isn’t your father’s steel workers, or the brick workers, then it is the miners, and it’s not just
workers. Read the newspapers. What is the world coming to?’
    â€˜We’re hardly threatened, Mama. We have more than a little bit in hand, haven’t we?’ Auberon’s tone was dry.
    Veronica knew it was the brandy talking, but whatever it was it was a step too far. She spoke loudly to gain her stepmother’s attention. ‘Have you received replies to your dinner invitations?’
    Lady Brampton forced herself to turn to Veronica. ‘Yes, I have indeed and I think that you must attend. You are not yet “out”, but Lady Esther will be coming with her parents and perhaps Lady Margaret with hers. They are both from good Northumbrian families and it really is quite time you learned some polish. That dreadful Wainton has quite worn out your brain with all this book-learning.’
    Veronica stared. Next this stupid woman would be telling her that to think would leave her in a state of hysteria. Find the crinolines immediately.
    Lady Brampton continued. ‘Listen well, Veronica, because you will one day have a household of your own to run. I have solved the latest servant problem and have suggested that we change provision suppliers in order to budget for the full complement of kitchen staff.’
    She rose, brushing past her stepchildren with her usual disdain. ‘I will change and then I am to call on Lady Taunton. Tomorrow, Veronica, we will both call on Lady Margaret while her mother is in Paris. Let me repeat myself. When you are nineteen you will come out, and you, at least, must, and will, enhance our family name. I expect you to marry well.’ She swept from the room.
    For a moment neither Veronica or Auberon spoke, then she turned to her brother. ‘Don’t inflame her. You have ground to make up. It doesn’t help, it really doesn’t.’
    He sighed, his fair hair flopping across his left eye as it always did. He brushed it aside. ‘I can’t help it.’
    â€˜Yes you can, it’s simple, just don’t open your mouth.’ Veronica shook his arm. He shrugged. ‘Then it’s called dumb insolence.’ They both laughed.
    â€˜What’s wrong with putting a few crinklies on the horses, Ver?’
    She shook his arm again, exasperated. ‘You know what. And what would Wainey have said?’
    â€˜Leave her out of it.’ His voice was sharp and he looked into the fireplace. It had not been lit and wouldn’t be until four o clock.
    â€˜Why, when she’s at the heart of it? You’ve got to move on, you simply must, this is not what she would want.’
    He gripped her hand, which still lay on his arm. ‘Why did she do it, Ver? You were here, did she say anything? Yes, she was asked to leave but we would have made sure she was all right, we would have stayed close. Why would she jump, and from the balcony?’
    They both looked towards the long window and the balustrade over which their father said Wainey had flung herself.
    Auberon let go of her hand and leant forward, his head in his hands. His voice was muffled.

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