E-Squared: Nine Do-It-Yourself Energy Experiments That Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality

E-Squared: Nine Do-It-Yourself Energy Experiments That Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality by Pam Grout Page A

Book: E-Squared: Nine Do-It-Yourself Energy Experiments That Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality by Pam Grout Read Free Book Online
Authors: Pam Grout
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takes to sell to New York editors”
       “You, Pam, are interesting and people want to hear what you have to say.”
    I’m sure the mail carrier thought I was a little cracked, wasting 25 cents (or whatever the postage was back then) to send myself postcards telling me how fascinating and abundant I was. But if he knew what a change it made in my life, he’d have been doing it, too.
    Suddenly, I started getting assignments from prominent magazines—with, yes, the big New York editors. First, there was Modern Bride, which wanted a piece on exercises that couples could do together. Ladies’ Home Journal asked for a travel story on Tampa Bay. Suddenly, this once-insecure writer from Kansas was getting assignments from big national magazines, the kind you see in dentists’ offices.
    Did I suddenly start writing more fluidly, coming up with more compelling ideas? Probably a little bit (after all, that was one of my affirmations), but mostly I changed the reality of what I thought and said about myself.
    I gave up the thought there weren’t enough assignments to go around. I let go of the ridiculous notion I wasn’t talented enough to sell to national magazines.
    Quacking in Unison
    “The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.”
    Filmmaker Michael Moore, in a commencement speech, gave the following advice: “All you boys should learn that once you give up on that girl, she will come to you.”
    In some ways, our intentions work the same way. By believing we desperately need a miracle or something we don’t have now, we deny Truth. We suit up with the wrong attitude.
    Anytime we look for an answer, we make the false assumption that the answer isn’t already here. Intending love or happiness or some other desired goal defeats the whole purpose. It assumes that the outcome of life is still in doubt. It’s not.
    Praying is not a matter of bribing God. It’s simply understanding the higher laws that override the lower law of the physical plane. To plead or beg or to act like it’s not here is to suppose duality, not unity. And unity is what we’re aiming for. You have to live under the assumption that your intention has already happened. You have to feel as if it has already come to pass—to get those ducks lined up … to get all those waves in laser-like coherence.
    I don’t know if you know anything about laser technology, but it works a little bit like Congress did on September 12, 2001. Remember how all those cantankerous old senators and representatives completely forgot they were Republicans and Democrats, liberals and conservatives? How the only thing in their minds was I’m an American, by God, and they sang “God Bless America” in one great, big unified chorus? Well, that’s how a laser works.
    Unlike ordinary light, which has lots of different types and sizes of wavelengths, lasers have wavelengths of only one size, which lends them pinpoint precision.
    This is how you want to make your intentions. Or it is if you want to see something appreciable happen. Jesus didn’t doubt for one second there was plenty of food to go around.
    In fact, one of the reasons Jesus was crucified was that those in command thought he was altogether too confident. How dare he be so bold as to think he could make crippled people walk, lepers dance? But Jesus didn’t just think he could do these things. He knew. He knew the truth of who he was, which made his mind a veritable laser. He didn’t stop to question if a blind man could see (after all, the gift of health and perfect self-expression is everyone’s divine right) or if water could become wine. He knew he had the right to command the heavens and the earth. In fact, that’s the only big difference between Jesus and you and me. We’re still wondering.
    If you go back to Aramaic—which as you probably know, is the language in which Jesus conversed—the root word of ask reveals more than a “well, if it’s not too much

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