deliberate. Of course he was found guilty and sentenced to 2 years imprisonment. He would likely serve less, and was not ordered to be included on the sex offender’s registry as he denied premeditation in raping her. My client cried with relief as he was handcuffed and removed from the courtroom to begin his sentence. I would have preferred a longer sentence, but a win was a win. 
    For most people, court is a harrowing experience, whether you’re on the side of the prosecution or the defence, but I thrived on it, the adrenaline, the power, the feeling of putting what’s wrong with the world right. I loved it all, and felt very blessed to have a career that was not only my lifeline but my life.
    I still, despite the win, could not get the vision out of my mind. Johnny had not acknowledged me in any way, so he obviously had not recognized me. My head was buzzing with questions, but I knew I needed to be focussed on work, my reputation was at risk after all, and it was the only thing that truly mattered to me. I hurried out of the court building, down to the coffee shop down the road. Maybe a double expresso would calm my mind…

Chapter 2
    I arrived home at around 7pm that evening after turning down after court drinks. It had been a long day and I was not able to focus myself on being sociable after the events of the morning, and when I had reached my office in the afternoon, I had experienced some kind of blackout. I think exhaustion may be setting in. I was creating a mental note to make an appointment to see my doctor. I never wrote my appointments down, I always knew where I was expected and when, that way I was never relying on a diary that could easily be lost and mess up my schedule.
    I pulled myself lethargically up the steps to my apartment. Our building was a house poorly converted into an upstairs and downstairs apartment. I did not mind that I could hear Mrs Jones’ every move downstairs, because she was such a lovely woman, often bringing me cakes she had baked or lasagne’s, and she didn’t mind, because she was too deaf to hear me! The apartment itself other than the poor conversion was incredible. The views were worth the semi privacy that comes with a thin floor! I loved to wake up on a morning overlooking the park, and my favourite coffee shop was literally a two minute walk away. On top of that, although I did not have any money worries, I was still very sensible with my funds, apart from the Porsche, and the staggering cost of rent that was a must in a place like New York City.
    I got to the top of the stairs, and noticed my door was slightly ajar. ‘Odd’ I thought to myself, Mrs Jones had a key for emergencies, but she would never leave my door unlocked. Quietly; I peered around the edge of the door. I could not see anyone, just a box on my kitchen table. I hesitantly walked into the room, becoming very aware of my surroundings.
    I edged my way to the box cautiously, slowly removing the lid. And recoiled in horror to the image that would be burned in my mind forever. In the box was a human foot, cut off at the ankle. I was almost sick, but contained myself long enough to read the note that was pinned to it. It read.
    Ok, Mr Big Shot Lawyer, Let’s see if you can piece together this puzzle before it’s too late for her…
    I recoiled quickly at this point, choking on my own vomit which was beginning to rise from my throat. Who would do this? Why me? My only thought was that I had helped to send someone down and this was their way of repaying me. I had pissed off my share of high up crime families in my time.
    I wasn’t sure if I should call the police or not. I examined the box from a distance. ‘Bell View Dairy Farm.” ‘ Cheapskate could have used a new box’ I thought to myself. That place is only a few miles out. I opted to avoid calling the police for now, and pay this dairy farm a visit. Whoever left this for me, wanted me to see it. Not the police. So

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