Dudes Down Under

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Book: Dudes Down Under by Suzannah Burke Read Free Book Online
Authors: Suzannah Burke
Tags: Fiction, General, Chick lit, Romance
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hell would you need a gun cabinet?”
    “ Think about it, Charlie. If a tsunami hits us, we are gonna end up with a huge number of dislocated crocs roaming around. There will be food sources everywhere - drowned roos, possums, fish left high and dry. Then we have the snake population which will be dumped as the wave recedes. Believe me, the guns will be necessary. All the staff have had to learn to shoot. I insist on it as part of their training. They are without exception able to handle a rifle with a 'scope. As far as our own food sources are concerned, the generators are the biggest and the best, and the freezers have everything necessary to sustain us for six weeks. After that, if no emergency rescue is set up due to the mainland being hit hard, well we have whatever we need to go hunt our own meat or fish. And fruit is abundant here.”
    “ Holy shit, Lucy, that’s some planning. Is it all your idea? It’s bloody brilliant. How did you come up with it?”
    Skeet watched them talking and smiled. Lucy loved nothing more than talking about her dream resort. “Okay you two, what’s to eat?”
    Lucy grinned. Trust Skeet to think of his stomach. “I packed a picnic and plenty of beer. Help yourselves.”
    “ I grabbed a shitload of goodies from the kitchen when Skeet asked me along. Can’t remember what exactly, but I do know there are three bottles of icy cold Champers.” Charlie was enjoying himself hugely. What a terrific holiday this was turning out to be.
    *  * *
    “ Cyril, Cyril, it’s Doc, mate. Where the hell are you? You’re twenty-eight feet long, ya bastard, how invisible can you be?”
    Cyril grunted from behind him, his head emerging from his pool. Well it’s about bloody time, heh-heh. What’s up, Doc? I always wanted to say that. Bugger, I always wanted to say anything. Where’s Skeet at? With my tummy-tickler again, I bet. Well I’m a hungry croc, Doc. Plus I haven’t had a beer all day. So hop to it, my friend.
    “ Skeet left me with strict instructions to feed ya and give ya your afternoon ration of beer. So you climb outta there and go sun yourself, and I’ll bring it out to ya. Go on, mate.”
    All right already, shit, I’m moving. I was enjoying my swim but beer is better. How the hell do you expect me to go out to my enclosure when the door's shut, ya drongo? Do I have to do everything around here? And while I’m bitching, you should get a haircut, mate. The feral look is so last week.
    “ What? What are you grunting about? I’m hurrying. Oh. Oops, sorry, mate. It would help if I opened the bloody door. Keep forgetting you aren’t human.”
    That’s the nicest compliment I ever had. You are definitely back on my Christmas card list.
    “ Righto, that’s you sorted. Don’t stay out in the sun too long. Here, I'd better put your sun hat on. You know how those headaches make you a cranky boy.”
    Not the PINK. My God, is every male human color-blind and tasteless? Heh-heh, tasteless, get it? I crack me up. Oi, what’s this caper? Skeet always cuts it up for me. No class, Doc. Small pieces are much more delicate to eat. Oh stuff it, I’m too hungry to be picky. Where the hell is my beer? What time will Skeet be home? Who created the universe? Heh-heh, just checking to see if you were paying attention. Fuck, I’m funny! Nobody knows. Now I’m depressed. Beer? C’mon Doc, you can do it. Concentrate, damn you. BEER!
    “ I’ve forgotten something? What was it? Food … check, sunhat … check. Oh, yeah, beer. Do ya feel like a beer or ten, Cyril me mate? Silly bloody question. I’ll open em up and pour em into ya bowl, then I’m outta here.”
    Sigh! Whatever. I’m too depressed. I’ll have a quiet drinky-poo and sit and ponder the universe a while. Skeet better not be late getting home. He knows I worry.

Chapter 15
    Kylie Andrews was nervous, deservedly so. Apologizing for her behavior was not something she’d done much of in her life.
    She glanced at

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