Dreamsongs - Volume II

Dreamsongs - Volume II by George R. R. Martin Page B

Book: Dreamsongs - Volume II by George R. R. Martin Read Free Book Online
Authors: George R. R. Martin
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at the sound of the voice.
Just inside the cave stand FIVE ARMED SOLDIERS; gaunt, ragged men in ragged
uniforms, ice in their beards, hunger and fear in their eyes, snow caking their
boots. Their RIFLES cover Tom and Cat.
    The SERGEANT is a tall black woman with a
rough, earthy voice. She warms her hands over the fire.
    Nice. Warm. And you
know, you can see it for miles.
    Backing up. She looks sideways at the hand
cannon on the ground nearby, tenses to make a dive for it.
    The sergeant knows exactly what she’s
    Girl, if you’re
going to try for that gun over there, you’re going to be real
    dead real soon.
    Cat FREEZES.
    What are we going
to do with them, Sarge?
    March them back to
camp and let the Captain have a look,
    (to Tom)
    Gather up whatever
food you’ve got and get into your snow gear.
    We don’t have any.
    In that case, you
two are going to have a long, cold walk.
    OFF Tom’s dismay, we
    CUT TO
    A small military camp has been dug in
against the side of a mountain. There are tents, crudely built hutches, a
firepit in the center of camp. Around the perimeter, like snowbreaks, are an ancient
yellow SCHOOL BUS, a JEEP and an ARMORED PERSONNEL CARRIER, all in sorry
condition. More striking - and in better repair - are two larger and more
futuristic vehicles: a huge HOVER TANK (designed to ride on a cushion of
compressed air, it has no treads), and an even larger transport FLOATER, an
eighteen-wheeler without the wheels.
    The soldiers stare, curious, as the
captives are marched in. Counting the squad that captured Cat and Tom, there
are twenty of them. We glimpse a few women and three times as many men.
    Their ‘uniforms’ are worn, much patched,
and not very uniform. It looks as though they came from two or three different
armies. A few have heavy, hooded parkas; one man wears a moth-eaten fur coat;
the others bundle up under layers of clothing.
    as Tom and Cat are marched past. A MACHINE
GUN is mounted on the jeep. It’s half in pieces now. WALSH, a private with a
heavy dark beard wearing a fur-trimmed parka, is cleaning and repairing it.
When he sees Cat, he stops, and jumps off the jeep to inspect her.
    Well, look at this.
Maybe those snow patrols aren’t useless after all.
    He blocks Cat’s path, touches her under the
chin to raise her face, She stares at him impassively.
    You have a name,
pretty thing?
    Knock it off,
Walsh. And get back to work You were supposed to have that
    gun cleaned and
serviced an hour ago.
    I’d like to clean
and service her.
    I wouldn’t touch
her if I were you. She bites.
    Listen to the man.
I want that gun back in one piece by mess.
    Walsh turns on the sergeant, defiant.
    Why? You think it
matters? What the hell we going to shoot? Snowmen?
    I gave you an
    Other soldiers gather to watch the
confrontation. Among the spectators is a woman, WHITMORE, very PREGNANT. A
minority make it clear they agree with Walsh.
    Stuff your orders.
    You tell her,
    All this patrolling
and drilling and cleaning our guns, what does it prove?
    It proves we can
survive, Walsh.
    A tall, grim, powerful man has emerged from
the command hutch. THE CAPTAIN wears a heavy parka with a hood that shadows his
    The snow is the
enemy. The cold is the enemy. And despair is the greatest
    enemy of all. Are
you tired of living, Walsh?
    He is looking at the Captain hard, with a
strange expression on his face,

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