Dreaming of You

Dreaming of You by Jennifer McNare Page A

Book: Dreaming of You by Jennifer McNare Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer McNare
it was foolish and irrational, irresponsible even, but she couldn’t seem to help herself.  She would suffer for it later, the pain of losing him when their time together was over.  She knew that, feared it even, but despite that knowledge she seemed unable to control her rebellious heart.    
    “What are you thinking?” he murmured, as his hand trailed lightly up and down her back.  
    That I am falling in love with you.  That I cannot bear the thought of losing you.   She brushed her fingers along the outline of his ribs, tracing their contours.  “I was thinking that it is almost time for me to go,” she sighed, her breath blowing softly against his naked chest, “and about how desperately I want to stay.”  Funny she thought, how just weeks before an hour had seemed like an eternity, and now it seemed like only the briefest flicker of time.  
    Gavin chuckled, pulling her more tightly against him.  “You have become an insatiable wanton, you little minx,” he teased.  
    “Do you mind?” she teased back, her tone equally playful.  
    “Hell no,” he said, rolling her onto her back in one fluid motion.  “If I could, I would keep you in this room day and night and never let you out of this bed.”  
    “Hmm,” she giggled.  “I think I could live with that.”  
    Gavin smiled as he dipped his head to kiss her.  She spread her legs, welcoming him into her body as their lips met.  He moaned in pleasure as she closed around him, hot and tight.  He’d called her insatiable, but it was he who never seemed to get enough.  Astonishingly, his need for her seemed only to increase with each passing day.  She clung to him as he moved within her, raising her hips to meet each of his thrusts.  No longer timid, her passion now rivaled his.  It was incredible, she was incredible.  
    Only moments before Melody had been draped across his chest, completely sated, her bones like warm jelly.  How could she be ready for him again so soon?  It seemed impossible, but she was.  It boggled her mind, this incessant craving that consumed her, that overwhelmed her body and her senses and never seemed to be fully satisfied.  Yes, she could stay in this bed with him day and night and never want to leave.  She dug her fingers into his back, urging him on, wanting to pull him even deeper inside of her, to take as much of him as her body would allow.    
    Gavin didn’t linger this time, for he was fully aware of the limited time they had before that damnable knock sounded at the door.  Encouraged by the increasing pressure of her fingers, he drove into her again and again, pushing them toward the explosive climax that would send them spiraling into the realm of ecstasy.    
    Her breathing came in little panting moans as she felt it coming on, that moment of exquisite release.  A moment later it took her, sending her over the edge with a force that scattered her senses and left her mind and body reeling.  She bit her lip to keep from crying out as her body quivered and then once again seemed to shatter into pieces.  He collapsed on top of her a few seconds later, his body heavy but not crushing.  She welcomed his weight, moving her hands up to tangle in the silky softness of his hair, holding him close.  A moment later he turned onto his side, pulling her with him, their bodies still joined.     
    “What color are your eyes?” he asked in a ragged whisper, his mouth pressed against the curve of her neck, knowing she wouldn’t answer him, couldn’t answer him.  
    Her own breathing was equally ragged as she moved her hand to his cheek, tracing the line of his jaw.  In the past weeks she had explored every inch of his body, trying desperately to see him with her hands.  Slowly she trailed her fingertips from his jaw to his lips.  She knew the contours of his face so well now.  She brushed her thumb against his lower lip and he turned his mouth into her hand, kissing her palm.  She continued on,

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