Dreaming of the Billionaire 3

Dreaming of the Billionaire 3 by Alice Bright Page B

Book: Dreaming of the Billionaire 3 by Alice Bright Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alice Bright
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that long. It was pretty impressive that he opened up to me this early on in the relationship. I think that has to count for something.”
    She smiles.
    “I think it counts for a lot.”
    I hear a squeal and a pitter-patter before Tiffany’s oldest daughter, who is three, appears in the doorway.
    “Mommy, mommy, mommy!” The little girl bounces in the room and jumps on Tiffany’s lap, giggling and mumbling something I can’t understand.
    As I see the way Tiffany looks at her little girl, I realize that love isn’t always easy. It’s not always painless. But that doesn’t mean it’s not worth it.

    I’ve called in sick to work all week. I don’t exactly have any vacation time built up, but no one gives me any crap about not showing up. Sean seems to have given up on calling me. After constant texts and calls for the first three days after our discussion, he must have gotten the message that I wasn’t ready to talk.
    I realize that I should at least say something. I should at least let him know that I’m okay.
    But I can’t.
    I need time. I need space.
    I need solitude.
    Instead of talking with him, I throw all of my energy into moving into my new place. Colby has already finished moving his stuff in with Amy, essentially pushing me out of my own house, but I don’t really care. He’s a good guy and she’s lucky to have him. Now I just need to focus on figuring out my problems with my own good guy.
    Despite all the confusion, I honestly believe that Sean is genuine. He’s good. He’s kind. So what if he has PTSD? Like Tiffany pointed out for over an hour, he’s doing much better than he was 8 years ago when he came back. So what if he’s nervous about being in a relationship? It’s the first time he’s dated seriously since the accident. It’s normal to be nervous. I’d probably be nervous, too.
    I try not to focus on the fact that the last decade has primarily consisted of one-night stands for him. Instead, I think about the fact that he’s giving that up for me. He’s giving up a lot for me. He’s giving up his privacy, his space, and now his secrets.
    So knowing all of that, why am I still so afraid?
    Do I think he’s going to hurt me?
    Do I think he’s going to damage me?
    Or do I think he’s still broken?
    Do I think he’s still lost?
    What the fuck is my problem?
    Before I can even think about talking with Sean face-to-face, I have to figure out what I’m feeling, but I can’t keep ignoring him. I need to say something.
    So I pick up my phone.
    He answers on the first ring.
    “I didn’t think I’d ever hear from you again,” his voice is smooth and sultry. He sounds like honey. He sounds like perfection.
    “I’m sorry I haven’t been around,” I say. “I’m sorry.”
    “It’s okay, Violet. I know I dumped a lot on you. I didn't expect you to want to talk about it right away.”
    I take a deep breath.
    “I don’t want this to be over, but I’m scared and I’m nervous. I need a little bit of time to process things before I’m ready to see you again. Can I have a few more days off of work?”
    He takes a deep breath. Relief?
    “Yeah, Vi. Whatever you need. You got it.”
    “Thanks for calling. I was worried about you.”

    Two weeks after the night of confessions, I call Sean and invite him over to my new place. He agrees to come over, so I text him the address. I have to try five times before I get everything in my message right. I'm trying so hard to sound sexy and casual instead of shaky and emotional. Why am I so nervous? It’s just Sean.
    But it’s Sean .
    It’s my Sean.
    And we’ve been apart for far too long. Part of me regrets taking so long to mentally process everything he told me. Another part of me feels thankful that he gave me the space and the time that I needed.
    I hang up the phone and pour two glasses of wine. I down mine and pour another, feeling anxious. Fortunately, I

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