
Dreamboat by Judith Gould Page A

Book: Dreamboat by Judith Gould Read Free Book Online
Authors: Judith Gould
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bad . . . experience,” she said. She thought that she might as well level with him. “And I’m not sure I’m ready for . . . for seeing anyone.”
    â€œI’m sorry,” Adonis said. “For you and for me.”
    â€œI guess I have a problem with trust,” she said with a sigh.
    â€œPerhaps I can overcome that.”
    She shook her head. “I’m the only person who can do that,” Crissy said. “You’ve been wonderful, Adonis, but I just can’t handle anything . . . anybody . . . right now.”
    â€œI won’t push it.”
    â€œThank you,” she said. “I think we’d better get going soon.”
    â€œOkay,” he replied. “That is, if I can find your friend. She seems to have danced with every man in the club tonight.”
    They both laughed. “That’s Jenny,” Crissy said. “She’ll probably leave a trail of broken hearts.”
    He looked at her with a serious expression. “It is you who will leave a broken heart,” he said, “and it is you who is the more beautiful and beguiling.”
    Crissy felt that frisson of excitement that she’d experienced when she’d first exchanged glances with him. She didn’t know whether to believe him or not, but she couldn’t deny that she loved hearing what he said. “I don’t know about that,” she said lightly, “but Jenny’s the one who always gets the men, not me.”
    â€œThen American men are stupid.”
    â€œMaybe, but this American has got to get some sleep.”
    Finding Jenny did not pose a problem, for she was in the middle of the dance floor with a circle gathered around her, clapping and shouting as she and her partner performed an obscene bump and grind with each other. Her heels, held aloft on a finger by their sling-backs, were twirling in the air, and she was alternately thrusting her pelvis, then her breasts at him as he met her with thrusts of his own.
    Adonis smiled, and Crissy laughed. “See what I mean?” she said.
    â€œShe’s a little wild, isn’t she?” he replied.
    â€œStill man-crazy at thirty,” Crissy said.
    â€œI don’t know,” he said. “I don’t think she really likes men much. She seems contemptuous of men to me.”
    Crissy eyed him curiously. That was an astute observation. “I hadn’t thought about that.”
    The dance came to an end, and the crowd applauded wildly. Jenny and her partner hugged and kissed. Adonis took Crissy’s hand and led her through the dispersing observers to Jenny.
    â€œBrava,” Adonis said. “You’ve put on a great show, but now it’s time to leave.”
    â€œAlready?” Jenny cried. “It seems like we just got here.” She bent down and slipped her heels back on, then straightened up.
    Her dance partner put an arm around her shoulders. “I can take her home,” he said. “I’m Mike, by the way.”
    Adonis and Crissy nodded. “Hi,” Adonis said, introducing Crissy and himself. “The ladies are leaving on a ship in a few hours, so I think we’d better get going.”
    Jenny looked at Crissy, who mouthed “please.” “I guess you’re right,” she said, then turned to Mike. “It’s been a blast,” she said, “but I really better run.”
    â€œAh, no,” he said. “I can take you back.” He looked at his watch. “It’s only four. Stay another hour or two, then we’ll go.”
    â€œSorry,” Jenny said, making a little wave with a hand. “Got to run.” She gave him a kiss on the cheek. “But I loved meeting you and had a great time.”
    They went to the club entrance with Mike on their heels, trying to persuade Jenny to stay, but she was emphatic. After speeding back to the hotel, Adonis walked them to the door. Jenny went in after

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