Dream Date

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Book: Dream Date by Ivan Kendrick Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ivan Kendrick
on the punching bag at the gym. He felt like venting.
    Every day, Nathan was getting increasingly more confused, instead of the other way around. He pictured Amanda in his mind. She was just as lovely as he remembered, perhaps even more. Nathan then pictured Kayla, with her bright smile. Even though she wouldn’t grace a magazine cover without the aid of makeup, she was still very beautiful.
    Who should I go for? My beloved, unreachable one with stunning beauty, or the girl next door who loves me?
    Nathan decided to test his feelings about the two of them before making a decision. He had work that day, but he’d leave early enough to be able to spend some time with Kayla in the afternoon. She’d expressed interest in going to the beach. Unfortunately, Nathan couldn’t afford the time or money to travel even to Manhattan at the moment. A trip had to wait until at least Thanksgiving.
    Just then, Nathan got an idea. After returning to his dorm and showering before school, Nathan sent Kayla a text. He knew just where to take her.
    R u busy tonight?
    Kayla replied a few seconds later.
    Most likely. Got any plans?
    I thought you might want to go out.
    Kayla sent a frowning face before her reply.
    Sorry. Too busy. Rain check?
    Sure. When?
    Tomorrow. Got lots of writing/homework.
    OK, then. See u tomorrow.
    Looking forward to it. X
    Have a good day.
    Nathan pocketed his phone and stood up. He picked up his car keys and left the dorm.
    After having scrambled eggs and bacon for breakfast at the dorm, Ashton walked through the college. He would try to find Judith. He was looking forward to getting to know her. Ever since Judith had walked up to his group’s table, he hadn’t been able to stop thinking about her. Ashton wondered what her skin would feel like to the touch, and what those lips of hers would taste like.
    Judith seemed to have liked him, too. Ashton had noticed her blush when she laid eyes on him. She thought he wasn’t looking, but he’d caught Judith checking him out. That was exciting. Usually, he checked a girl out before she did it to him.
    As he was approaching the student center, Ashton heard a voice call to him.
    He halted in his tracks. The hairs on the back of his neck prickled with apprehension. Ashton listened to steps closing in behind him.
    It was her.

    Ashton turned around with the air of someone who’s about to reluctantly face the drill sergeant. He came face-to-face with Grecia. He tried to put on a nonchalant expression.
    “Hi, Grecia.”
    “Hi, Ashton,” she replied, blushing. Grecia regarded Ashton as if he were about to reprimand her or to tell her to go away. “How have you been doing?”
    “I’ve been fine.”
    Grecia nodded, looking awkward. She bit her bottom lip. Ashton’s gaze locked on her mouth. He remembered what it was like to be with her. Grecia didn’t notice his scrutiny. As her eyes darted from place to place, Ashton checked her out. She looked just the same as always…maybe better. Grecia’s long, toned legs were a pleasure to look at, and very tempting. Her wavy shoulder-length hair had that semi-dark shade of red that Ashton preferred. Her light skin was flawless, and thanks to the not-so-modest V-cut of her blouse, he got a nice peek at her D-cups.
    Ashton peeled his gaze from Grecia’s chest. He didn’t want to let her know that he still felt a powerful attraction towards her.
    “Uh…thanks for the gift. I loved it.”
    Ashton chuckled, thinking about the birthday gift he had sent to Grecia. She either hadn’t had time to thank him, or she hadn’t been able to muster the courage to talk to him. Ashton wasn’t sure why he’d remembered Grecia’s birthday, anyway. There was just something different about her. She was the first girl who was constantly in his thoughts after having sex with her. Ashton didn’t often remember the names of the girls he was with.
    “I…I knew you would.”
    Grecia nodded

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