Dragon Dreams

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Book: Dragon Dreams by Laura Joy Rennert Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laura Joy Rennert
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contest. The gallery in our castle is filled with their awards. With the help of her forest friends, my great-great-grandmother Snow Whiteled her class to victory the year the contests started. My grandmother Beauty helped her class win by sleeping the most daintily. My cousins the twelve princesses have all won trophies for dancing.
    I don’t think
going to win any trophies, though. Everyone’s always giving me advice on how to be a proper princess.
    My mother, the queen, says, “Shhh! Don’t talk so loudly. A princess is as a princess does.”
    When I ask if I can stay up late to watch
Magical Animal Kingdom,
my grandmother Beauty says, “A princess needs her sleep.”
    My regal father says, “Walk, don’t run. Even when she is not wearing a crown, a princess feels its weight.”
    It hasn’t been going so well at schooleither. Let’s just say I’m not exactly the star student in Princess Posture class.
    Can I help it if I’d rather read a book than wear it?

    When we sign up for school activities, most of the other princesses decide on Royal Song and Dance. A few choose harp lessons. Some want to learn how to weave lace so fine it fits in a nutshell, and the class on Princess Party Planning is popular. I am the only princess who wants to learn about dragon care. In all of Academy history.
    At our class on Royal Table Manners, not only do I not remember which fork and spoon to use, I accidentally spill the pepper, and it tickles my nose. When I sneeze, I sort of bump into my water goblet. So Moriah jumps out of the way. And sort of bumps into Alex’s water goblet.
    And, well, Madame is not too happy. Neither is Moriah.
    Rapunzel thought it would be a goodidea for us to try out for the Royal Talent Show together. It wasn’t. She was sick the day of the show! After my solo, Princess Jordan joked that they must have heard me in the neighboring kingdom.

    Plus, at our first-year sleepover, all the other princesses changed into their frilly nightgowns and beribboned slippers. I changed into my
fuzzy pajamas
… and my
dragon slippers
    But Royal Ball class was the biggest problem of all. I TRIED to tell my teacher I’m good at
not dancing. She didn’t believe me. Now she does.

    Dear Royal Highnesses,
    After 5 pairs parting and dance instructors darting, 4 pages giggling, 3 trays a-tumbling, 2 gasping guests, and a poodle in a potted tree, we have come to the conclusion that Princess Emma might benefit from some extra dancing practice at home…
    Academy Headmistress Melinda
    This morning, while we wait for our school assembly to start, I pass Rapunzel a note:
    Do you think I’m the worst princess in the world?
    Rapunzel writes back:
    No. And don’t say that about my best friend!
    Sigh. Even her handwriting is more princess-y than mine. As I smile at her, I can’t help wondering how she manages to look so perfect with our poofy school uniform
all that hair piled on top of her head.

Chapter 3
    “Princesses, we are expecting some visitors,” says our teacher Lady Mary.
    The trumpets sound. This means the Royal Guard has arrived. I wish I could go to the window to see if there are any dragons with them! We used to see dragons more frequently when I was little, but now seeing them is rare. Because dragon fire sometimesaccidentally damaged forests and farms, the Royal Council limited where and when dragons could fly. So it’s an extra-special treat to see them!
    A Royal Herald marches into our classroom in great state. He announces: “Hear ye, hear ye. The Royal Academy’s All-School Princess Contest will take place tomorrow, with each class flying its colors and banner from the castle battlements.”
    I have a sinking feeling. As soon as the herald and trumpeters leave, everyone starts to talk at once… everyone except me, that is. I feel sick to my stomach. What if I trip during the royal parade out onto the field? Or accidentally break a glass slipper! What if I do

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