Dragon Blood 4: Knight

Dragon Blood 4: Knight by Avril Sabine Page B

Book: Dragon Blood 4: Knight by Avril Sabine Read Free Book Online
Authors: Avril Sabine
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pulled on fresh dragon-leathers, bundling up the bloody ones and putting them in the plastic bag she carried for her laundry. Kade was not going to be impressed when he learned about the fight. Neither was Ronan. She thought about his threat to get her bodyguards. Human ex-military ones. That was the last thing she needed.
    Returning to her room she found Roy leaning against the corridor wall, arms crossed as he waited for her. She ditched her bag in the wardrobe and followed him to the dinning room. Isaac and Amos were already there, four plates of food on the table.
    Amber sat across from Isaac, Roy across from Amos. She inhaled the scent of food, noticing no dragon bone on any of the meals. Smiling, she began to eat.
    “What’s so amusing?” Isaac asked.
    Amber shook her head, remembering the listening devices. “Nothing.” Then directly to Isaac,
“How have you managed to avoid dragon bone your entire life?”
    “I haven’t. The weakness doesn’t last forever. Up to a month. Usually only two weeks.”
    “Just like how long the effects last when you consume dragon blood?”
    Isaac nodded then glanced towards his brother.
“Amos wants to know what is going on.”
    Amber reached for each of their minds.
“Is that better? Can everyone hear now?”
    “Get out of my head.”
Amos glared across the table at her.
    “I can’t read your mind. I’m not good at that. Some dragons can, but they have to actually make the effort. Although there is a constant buzz behind your words. Maybe you’re kind of broadcasting.”
    “You can read my mind.”
    “No. If I tried I probably could, but I’m not trying. It’s more than enough effort keeping you all connected. Normally someone else does that when I’m in a group and we’re talking together.”
She hesitated, knowing her next words were going to cause problems.
“I have to tell my allies.”
    Amos rose to his feet, his hand going for the hilt of his sword before he dropped it.
“You did that deliberately. I can’t fight you. I can’t stop you from telling anyone.”
    “Sit down, Amos.”
Isaac continued to eat.
    Amos remained standing.
“We’ll lose everything. Including our lives and you’re going to sit there calmly eating your food?”
    “I’m going to eat my lunch while I listen to what she has to say. I suggest you do the same.”
    “Why? So I can die with a full stomach? How’s that going to make death any less final?”
    “I will ask him to keep the knowledge to himself, but I can’t promise anything. Especially if it will benefit him,”
Amber said.
    “Then why tell him?”
Isaac asked.
    “Because she wants us to die.”
Amos dropped into his seat, his food remaining untouched.
    “Because he’s my ally and I share what I learn with him.”
    “Does he do the same?”
    Amber smiled at Isaac’s question, almost laughing.
“No, but in exchange he protects me.”
    “Who is your ally?”
Amos demanded.

Chapter Twelve
    Amber really wished he hadn’t asked her. No one ever liked the answer.
    Roy groaned.
“We’re dead. All of us.”
    Amos leapt to his feet again.
“You tricked me.”
    “Sit down, Amos.”
Isaac stared up at his brother, waiting until he sat. He turned to Amber.
“Are you certain he’s your ally?”
    She nodded, her smile widening.
    “How did you manage that?”
Isaac asked.
    She glanced towards Amos.
“Maybe I tricked him too.”
    Isaac shook his head.
“No. He’s far too smart to be tricked.”
    “Or far too confident to have much faith in a mere human to survive long enough to become his ally.”
    “You actually tricked Ronan?”
    She shrugged at Isaac’s question. “
I’m still trying to figure that out. Maybe we tricked each other. It’s complicated.”
Like far too many other things in her life because of dragons.
    “We need to meet with him,”
Isaac said.
    She had no idea how she could do that without all hell breaking loose.
“I’ll see what I can

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