Dragon Blood 4: Knight

Dragon Blood 4: Knight by Avril Sabine

Book: Dragon Blood 4: Knight by Avril Sabine Read Free Book Online
Authors: Avril Sabine
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drawing his sword.
    Amber dodged the dagger, hearing it embed itself in the wall as she faced them, becoming human long enough to throw more fireballs at them. As soon as she became a goshawk, she flew across the room out of Isaac and Amos’ reach.
    “Stop! All of you stop.”
    They ignored Roy, continuing to attack. Amber flew past Amos, coming up behind Isaac to turn human. Drawing her sword she stab it through his side, leaping out of the way when his legs gave out and his knees collided with the ground.
    Amos roared, running towards her, slashing with his sword.
    Amber turned into a goshawk again, flying out of the way.
    Roy ran to his uncle, screaming. “Stop it. Heal him. Please heal him.” He pulled the sword from Isaac, letting it fall to the ground.
    Amber landed on the table, turning human. “A life for a life. I heal him you owe me my life.”
    “He’s dying. I can feel it,” Amos snarled. “You can’t change that. Death is final.”
    “Promise me.” She pointed at Amos. “You promise me. If I save him you will never attack me ever again. Or have someone else attack me. No matter what happens you owe me that.”
    Amos lowered his sword. “He dies so do you.”
    “Hurry.” Roy cradled his uncle on his lap, blood staining him and the floor.
    “Promise me.” Amber held Amos’ gaze, willing him to hurry before he caused her to be responsible for another life. “Now. Before it’s too late.” She could hear Isaac’s heart slowing.
    “I promise.”
    Amber jumped off the table, rushing past Amos to kneel at Isaac’s side. She pressed her hands against his wound, seeking the dragon in him. He was weak, had lost too much blood, but she could do this. Power poured through her hands and she healed the wound, working from the inside out. Exhaustion swamped her and she wrapped a bloody hand around one of her bracelets, drawing power from it.
    Isaac’s hazel eyes opened and he met hers. “Why?” The word was barely a whisper.
    She reached for his mind.
“You were trying to kill me.”
    “No. Why heal me?”
    “Because I have more than enough blood soaked nightmares without letting you give me more.”
    He reached up, brushing his fingers across her cheek and jaw.
“You’re not what I expected.”
    Amber grinned.
“I get that all the time.”
    “What’s going on?” Amos knelt across from Amber, resting his hand on his brother’s shoulder. “I can still feel how weak he is.”
    “Of course he’s weak. Look how much blood he lost.”
    “He’ll live?” Roy pressed a hand against his uncle’s heart. “He’s not going to die?”
    “No, but someone might if we don’t have a good reason for the mess we made in here.” She could just imagine what Stanley would do. Probably blame it all on her and demand her death.
    Isaac grinned. “We wanted to test your skill. We’d heard so much about you.”
    “You’re not going to tell them she won.” Amos made it a statement, not a question.
    Amber laughed. They were very much dragons. “It was a tie.” Her grin remained in place. “Obviously.”
    “It wouldn’t have been if you hadn’t cheated.” Amos glared at her.
    “Killing someone isn’t cheating.” Isaac tried to sit up. “Help me up, why don’t you? And quit bitching at me. You’re giving me a headache. It could just as easily have been you.”
    Amber rose to her feet. “I didn’t stab him because I knew he’d be too pig headed to forgive me. That’s why I made him be the one to promise not to attack me.”
    Roy laughed, a startled sound that he cut off before it had barely begun. “She knows you already.”
    Amos glared at Roy and Isaac who both grinned. “We’ll get this cleaned up. You two go to lunch.” He eyed them. “After you’ve showered and changed.”
    There was a sharp knock on the door. Amos and Amber swore at the same time and Amos sent her a look as if to ask how dare she be even the slightest bit like him.
    The handle rattled.
    “Are we going to open

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