Draconis' Bane
malnourished, a few of them showing signs of infections and
illness. Apparently, these malnourished Vallious soldiers had
refused to go along with the new administration of Irudin and had
been locked up and tortured as a result.
    “Take them to the
barracks and see to it that the sick get help and find them some
food Gerald.” Kevin instructed.
    “Right you are my
Lord.” He replied smiling, offering a slightly mocking salute
before winking at Tristan.
    “Now,” Kevin turned
his angry gaze on Henry. “How about we go and find your Lord and
Master, shall we?” Henry whimpered affirmative as Kevin dragged him
effortlessly back into the main audience chamber by the front of
his robes.
    In the flurry of
action Kevin must have sent his men into the keep to arrest the
Patrician. As they entered Samuel had four sword points leveled at
him by soldiers bearing the blue tabard of the raven over a black
rock. Tristan walked at his brothers right side again as they made
their way to the front of the room. Kevin threw Henry into the
waiting two soldiers arms where one clapped his hands in irons
behind his back and the other drew his sword and trained it on the
little mans chest.
    “Alright, My
Lord ,” Kevin said snidely. “Shall we start with the why?”
    “Why what, you
impudent dog?!” Samuel’s voice cracked, betraying his actual fear
as he continued the façade of strength.
    Tristan could feel
the rage coming off of Kevin like steam from a hot bath. Tristan
had long ago accustomed himself to disrespectful treatment, though
Kevin seemed to find it more amusing than anything else. Kevin
stepped forward and delivered a painful looking backhand to his
uncle with his metal plated glove. Spitting blood, Samuel made eye
contact again. Looking defeated and finally a little scared for his
    “Let’s try this
again, shall we?” Kevin demanded.
    Gerald walked into
the hall at that moment giving Samuel the chance to formulate his
words. He walked over and stood next to Tristan, placing a hand on
the young Princes shoulder and looking over to Kevin.
    “The men are fed and
the sick are being attended to General. Three of them died in the
dungeons and two won’t recover from their illnesses. With the
guards we killed outside that leaves less than twenty household
guards.” Gerald explained.
    Kevin turned to the
old warrior; “I’m going to leave that up to you old friend.”
    “My hearing must be
going in my old age,” Gerald replied lightly. “It sounds like you
think you’re leaving me here.”
    “I’m sorry old man,
but I can’t trust anyone here. I need you to assume command of the
keep and town below. Get some of the local merchants to help you,
form a committee or something…”
    “Bah! Woman’s work my
liege!” Gerald complained. “I’m coming with you to watch over the
    “Gerald, I’m sorry. I
need you here. Send word to father and he’ll appoint a new leader
here in no time. Besides, you saw him fight, he doesn’t need a
nanny. You know my plans for him as well as father does. Just stay
here for a few weeks until father can find someone else.” Kevin
    “I knew I was going
to regret coming along. Hanna will never let me live it down. You
know how she gets my Lord.” Gerald continued to complain.
    “Which I’m sure is
why you married my sisters’ Danai, old friend. Now, please go see
to your new men…Tristan and I have some work to do.” Kevin
    Gerald briefly
squeezed Tristans shoulder and cast Kevin a dark look before he
turned and walked out of the hall, grumbling good naturedly as he
went to Kevin’s amusement. The large General motioned for one of
his soldiers near and whispered instructions to him. The soldier
nodded grimly and motioned for the others to bring along the former patrician and his chief aide. After they had left
Kevin asked one of the servants to bring some food for the brothers
as they sat down at a nearby table. They sat in

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