Down and Out: A Young Adult Dystopian Adventure (The Undercity Series Book 1)
Just me.”
    “And us,” one of his sisters said, poking him with a cane.
    An’ you lot. Don’t get all pushy now.” His voice drifted off as he went down the tunnel.
    “Don’t mind him, boys, you’re doing terrific,” Pa encouraged as he slumped down beside them.
    “Pa, this won’t work. We can’t do this in secret,” Teddy said as he stared at the people trying to survive in a place, in a state, no human should live in. There was little air or light, and the bodies were accumulating. He wanted to vomit.
    His father tapped out a rhythm on the side of his leg. “I understand, but our choices are limited. For all we know we discovered all there is and anything else is buried.”
    “It isn’t. There are ceiling windows everywhere and more space than we need to fit all Underlings and even some Upper- lords if we wanted to,” added Jolon, bursting with excitement.
    “Excuse me?” Pa said with a confused expression.
    Teddy glared daggers at his brother.
    “Sorry, just done, so done,” he muttered, burying his head in his hands. “Ignore me. I babble.”
    “Teddy?” His father’s eyes were pinpoint arrows of disapproval.
    He squirmed, contemplating an elaborate story. “We, ummm, we went to Montgomery Mall last night,” he said as he realized lying wouldn’t help anyone.
    “You, you...” He took a deep breath, his stern face scary. “You and you,” he pointed to each one in turn, “went exploring alone. How? Henri and I...” Pursing his crooked lips, he stared at the place where the brute grasped a broken beam and hauled it away. “He helped, didn’t he? That’s the only way you might move the door. Of all the foolish... do I need to explain to you the dangers of going on your own? I thought you were old enough to understand.”
    This last part he said to Teddy; his face grew hot with shame.
    “I’m sorry, okay?” he said, so weary he didn’t want to be calm. “But I can’t stand this. I can’t handle sitting here watching us all turn into living corpses because a few people control everything. Things shouldn’t be this way. Sunlight, life, water, it should all be ours. I can’t take this, and I want change. Things must evolve or what’s the point in existing?”
    He held his father’s gaze. “And you know it. What is the point of scrimping for leftover air and water, killing ourselves over the whims of others? You know it, Pa. I’m worn out. We’re all exhausted, and we can’t sneak about anymore or there won’t be any of us left.”
    It took a moment for his father to respond, but he nodded. “So, windows in the ceiling? Well, this is good.”
    Jolon’s face brightened. “Yes, you missed this amazing sunrise.”
    Their father raised his thick brow. “Sunrise? You witnessed a sunrise?”
    Teddy chuckled. “Yep. The sky was gold and red before turning this soft blue colour. It was beautiful.” “We can do it, can’t we?” Pa asked, his voice quiet.
    “Yes,” he replied, the word almost choking in his throat.
    “Oh, how sappy can people get? I’m too tired for this mushiness,” Jolon moaned. “We’ve been up for almost a full day without so much as an hour’s sleep.” He drew a large gloop of mud out of his hair and tried to fling the glob away as it stuck to his fingers. “A lot of good my weekly bath did now. I am going to stink like this for the next week, and here you two are being all... all... yuck.”
    “Ahh, Jol, let’s get you two home before you fall asleep right here,” Pa said, getting up.
    “Oh, shyza,” Jolon moaned, standing, his hand on his lower back. “I think I lost twenty pounds in sweat.” He hauled up his trousers to emphasize his point.
    “When we get back home, I’m eating until I can’t move. ‘Course I’m numb now, so that won’t mean much. Okay, until I regained the twenty pounds this torture took from me.”
    Teddy attempted to listen to Jolon ramble as they made their way home, but his brain was too fuzzy with fatigue. He

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