Dopeman: Memoirs of a Snitch (Part 3 of Dopeman's Trilogy)

Dopeman: Memoirs of a Snitch (Part 3 of Dopeman's Trilogy) by JaQuavis Coleman Page B

Book: Dopeman: Memoirs of a Snitch (Part 3 of Dopeman's Trilogy) by JaQuavis Coleman Read Free Book Online
Authors: JaQuavis Coleman
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about to take him to the trap.
    The halls reeked of piss and the busted lights vaguely illuminated the long hallway inside the project housing. Ball followed Lola as they headed to the fifth floor, taking the stairs. Three members from the Goon Squad trailed them as Lola prepared to give Ball a tour of the main money spot. They reached the fifth floor and Lola knocked on door number 552 in a rhythmic pattern. Moments later, the sound of deadbolts clicking echoed throughout the hallway and seconds later Ball was welcomed to the trap.
    Ball couldn’t believe his eyes as he walked into the door. The open spaced looked like a studio rather than an apartment. Five walls had been knocked down, connecting all of the apartments together. Rows of tables were lined up as females weighed and carefully bagged up heroin. A goon stood guard by the door with a loaded shotgun for security. Every single person in the room acknowledged Lola as she walked the floor. Ball could sense the power that Lola possessed. Her direct affiliation with Seven gave her a status in the streets. Ball scanned the room in awe as he took in the fully functioning trap spot. Everyone was busy either cutting, weighing, or bagging the raw. He couldn’t believe his eyes. The strong odor hit him like a tons of bricks. The air conditioner was blaring so the temperature would stay low. The dope had to stay in a cool place so it wouldn’t go bad and also to give it a longer life.
    “So this is where the magic happens.” Lola said as she walked through the spacious spot. Ball looked around at the naked girls and soaked it all in. “This is where they cut it. Bossman doesn’t let them cut it more than twice. Our shit isn’t stepped on. We want to give the streets the strongest product possible. The difference between good heroin and bad heroin is in the mix. We’ve got the best mix.” Lola explained to him the orders of actions and then led him to the back of the room were two older men sat. They were the testers of the heroin. This position usually didn’t stay filled long. If the product was too strong, it usually ended in a drug overdose. Fiends were in line to grab the position as a tester. Even though their lives were at stake, users didn’t care. They just saw the opportunity to receive free dope and took the risk. Ball laughed as he saw one of the men in a dope-fiend lean while sitting in a fold up chair. His head was dropping down to his knees in a nod and he would then bounce back up and do the same routine again.
    “After the product is packaged up, we drop the packages out this window,” Lola said as she waved Ball over and encouraged him to look down. Ball peeked down five stories and saw a couple of goons sitting on the steps. “Once they get the packages they take it to the runner. The runner takes it to another spot and that’s where distribution starts.”
    Ball was impressed. They had the hustling game down to a science.
    “Damn,” Ball said in amazement as he looked down and around.
    “We are going to set you up on the other side of town in our less active areas and see what you can do.” Lola said as she crossed her arms and looked Ball intensely in his eyes. Her piercing stare was rough and sexy all at once and Ball took notice.
    She sexy than a mu’fucka, Ball thought as he took in all the information. “Yo, put together a four piece for my man and take it to the spot,” Lola ordered as she headed toward the exit. “Your bag will be waiting for you at your new spot.” Lola said as she nodded at the goon by the door so he could let them back out.
    “This is the main spot. Seven rarely comes up here. That’s why the feds can’t touch him. He never deals with the dope directly; always through me or a henchman,” Lola explained to Ball.
    “So everyone is working for a man they never see?” Ball asked trying to get a better understanding.
    “That’s right. If nobody can point him out as the head of the operation, the

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