Don't Look Back
    The next morning at work I enjoyed helping the customers. Billi worked in her office unless it got busy, then she came out and helped customers. I hoped to have the chance to talk to her sometime soon.
    That night was my self-defense class and after my run-in with Amanda, I paid extra close attention to the instructions. I felt more confident as I practiced, although I didn’t exactly feel ready to face off with Trevor, if it came to that. Even though I had decided to ignore his emails, I wasn’t so blind as to think I shouldn’t be prepared for whatever may happen in the future.
    I thought I might have a chance to talk to Billi, but she left early. The next day at work I told her I needed to talk to her for a few minutes when she had some time. She suggested we chat when my shift was over and Maddy came in.
    As the end of my shift approached, I became more nervous about the conversation I was going to have with Billi. Would she be angry with me for not telling her about my pregnancy before she hired me? In the few conversations we’d had, I had discovered that she was single and childless. Did that mean she didn’t think children were a good idea?
    “Kate, I’m available now,” Billi said, motioning for me to come into her office.
    I took a deep breath and followed her in. She sat in her desk chair and I sat in the extra chair.
    “How do you like working here?” she asked.
    I smiled. “I really like it.”
    “Good. The customers seem to like you, and you’re doing a great job.”
    I relaxed under her praise. “Thank you.”
    “Now, what was it you wanted to talk about?”
    Her face was open and friendly and I hoped my fears had been misplaced. “There was something I needed to tell you.” I paused, gathering my courage. “I’m pregnant.” I watched several different emotions play across her face. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you before you hired me,” I rushed to say. “I was just so excited for the chance to work here that I didn’t even think about it.”
    “When are you due?”
    “Not until Christmas.”
    “So you’re planning on working up until then?”
    “Yeah. I’m, uh, I’m planning on going to school in the fall, but I was going to schedule afternoon classes so it wouldn’t interfere with working here.”
    “I see.”
    Afraid now that she would fire me, I bit my lip.
    “Well, my concern is that I can count on you to be here when you’re scheduled.”
    “That won’t be a problem,” I hurried to assure her.
    “But it might be a problem if you can’t work during the Christmas rush.”
    “I should be available at least through the middle of December though.”
    “I guess we’ll just see how it goes. I usually have to hire extra staff for Christmas, so I’ll just keep your issues in mind.”
    “I appreciate you hiring me, Billi.”
    She smiled. “I don’t regret it. Just keep up the good work and I’m sure everything will work out.”
    I thanked her and said good-bye then drove home, relieved our meeting had gone well and that I still had a job.
    When I got home I played with Greta. So far she had been doing fine on her own when I was at work, which made me happy. As I threw the ball for her, my eyes strayed in the direction of Marcus’ house. No one was outside at his house. I turned my attention back to Greta and smiled. That night Marcus would be taking me to dinner.

Chapter Eighteen
    At six o’clock I heard a knock at the door. Excited to be going to dinner with Marcus, I hurried to answer. He wore a button down shirt that emphasized his amazing green eyes.
    “You look very nice, Kate,” he said, a smile on his face.
    “Thanks.” I followed him out to his car, an older model black jeep. He opened the door for me and I climbed in. When he slid behind the wheel I said, “It doesn’t seem quite right that you’re taking me to dinner, when I’m the one who is supposed to be thanking you.”
    He grinned at me. “Well, I’d like to think I’m a

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