Dolly Departed

Dolly Departed by Deb Baker Page A

Book: Dolly Departed by Deb Baker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Deb Baker
Tags: detective
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said, shaking her head. "Too bad Charlie's ticker gave out before the investigation was over."
    Gretchen glanced over at Nina. Other than law enforcement officials working the case, the true cause of Charlie's death should only be known to Gretchen, Caroline, and Nina. This was the moment that would tell her how reliable her aunt was.
    No one said anything. Charlie's suspicious nicotine overdose was still under wraps.
    Nina glared at Gretchen as though she knew that her niece hadn't trusted her, and Gretchen gave her an I'm-sorry look.
    April huffed loudly and paused in her workout to rest. April had chased Gretchen and Ryan down the street yesterday. Today, she couldn't get through a ten-minute circuit, working slow. April's adrenaline must really spike when she gets excited, turning her into superwoman , Gretchen thought.
    "I think someone scared Charlie to death," Bonnie said.
    "Literally. Her heart gave out."
    "That's impossible," Rita replied.
    "No, it isn't," April said. "That son of hers was pretty scary-looking. His face could frighten a person enough to bring on a heart attack."
    "I wouldn't go that far," Gretchen said. In spite of Ryan's grungy appearance, he had seemed young and frightened.
    "I almost fainted from fear after looking into his eyes."
    April shivered. "He's lost his grip on reality; that's obvious."
    "If Sara was murdered, I'd put him first on the list of suspects," Ora said. "Look how he hurt Gretchen."
    "What if Charlie was murdered, too?" Rita called out.
    "That kid's a drug addict, you know," Bonnie said.
    "Crack cocaine, pot, booze, you name it. He's been in and out of rehab centers, and nothing works. What if he killed his mother in a fit of rage? Maybe she wouldn't give him money for more drugs, and he was strung out. An addict without drugs will do anything to get them, even if it means killing his own mother."
    "There wasn't any sign of a struggle," Gretchen said before the exercise group got too carried away. "And no marks on Charlie's body."
    "Does your detective son know about Charlie's son?"
    Rita asked Bonnie.
    "Of course, Matty's onto him like lint on Velcro." Bonnie grimaced. "That isn't a very good analogy."
    "Like toilet paper on a shoe?" Nina offered.
    "Like a flea on a dog?" April said, laughing.
    "I'm out of here," Gretchen said, heading for the stretching area. Nina followed her over. "I'm having breakfast with Britt."
    "Sounds good," Gretchen said, bending at the waist and touching her toes while the inside of her head pounded on her skull. "Don't worry about coming to the shop. Mom accomplished so much yesterday, we might wrap up the project today."
    "I'm your chief problem solver," said Nina. "I'll be there. After yesterday's excitement, I'm staying close by. Who knows what disaster will happen next?"
    Matt Albright's unmarked blue Chevy passed Gretchen's car going the opposite way. The detective waved, not a friendly hello wave, but rather a trying-to-flag-you-down sort of wave. Gretchen recognized the hand gestures but ignored him. She gave him her best smile and wiggled her fingers as if to say toodle-oo.
    Matt wasn't much of a team player. He worked alone and kept his progress to himself. He didn't take her seriously enough, so today she was following his example and working alone.
    Gretchen turned onto Central Avenue, wondering what the detective was doing in this neighborhood. Central Avenue divided the city into two grids. Numbered streets ran north and south on the east side of Central. Numbered avenues lined the west side. Gretchen drove slowly up First Street, crossed Central, and cruised down First Avenue. Gretchen was looking for Nacho and Daisy, two destitute characters whom she'd become friends with. She had to find time to help out more at the homeless shelter, but life had been busy. Soon, though.
    Nacho, an alcoholic who lived inside his mind most of the time, appeared to enjoy his life of freedom from the heavy responsibility imposed on others by what he

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