Dolce (Love at Center Court #2)

Dolce (Love at Center Court #2) by Rachel Blaufeld Page A

Book: Dolce (Love at Center Court #2) by Rachel Blaufeld Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rachel Blaufeld
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doing this Halloween? Are you dressed up?”
    A little sniffle came over the line. “Yes, I’m a cowgirl, a sexy one.” Her voice was hoarse and hesitant. “I was supposed to go to the Halloween Hoedown, but my date didn’t show.”
    “You know what, Michelle? I bet you make one heck of a cowgirl, sexy or not, and you should go hit up a different party. Callers? Who’s listening that has a wicked party going on? Give me a ring at the studio, and I’ll connect you with Michelle.”
    She giggled. “That’s so cute, Catie. You think?”
    “I know! Hold on the line while I take the next call, and I’ll be back to get your e-mail address so I can send you party details.”
    With that, I clicked HOLD and picked up another call. Loud music pumped over the line in the background.
    “Catie?” a guy screamed over the music.
    “Yeah?” Somewhat nervous, I hovered my finger over DISCONNECT .
    “Sonny here. Don’t ruin my show, babe, while I’m busy knocking freaky boots.”
    This time I laughed. “Well, if it isn’t our fearless leader on the line. Are you having relationship problems, Sonny?” I figured while the cat’s away, the mouse would play, and I was going to get out all my zingers.
    “Hey, turn that down for a sec,” Sonny hollered over the line. “You need a Twitter name, Catie girl! We wanted to tweet you from this party, but we couldn’t. Tell the audience that Monday we’re starting a contest for the most creative Twitter handle for you!”
    Before I could respond, he was gone.
    “Oh boy! Looks like I have to get on Twitter, Haftees. While I think about that and chat with Michelle, here’s another Halloween hit for you, ‘Werewolves of London.’” I gave a wolf howl into the mic and said, “Call me!” I was turning into a regular tease or flirt, or whatever the name was these days.
    Letting my breath go, I went to Michelle and wished her well. After I got her e-mail address, I flicked through a few calls. One was a potential party for my girl, and I dashed off an e-mail to her.
    The call lights continued to blink, and as the song finished, I picked up another random call.
    “Catie, who apparently needs a Twitter name here. Happy Halloweeen,” I said, laying it on thick. This was my chance, and I needed to grab it.
    “Hey.” The voice was deep and hypnotic, and I had to shake my head so hard, my earphones almost came off. I definitely needed a call screener next time I took over the show.
    “What can I do for you tonight?” Not asking for the caller’s name, I finally squeaked out a question.
    “I’m at a party by myself, no date, and I find myself missing someone I wish was here.”
    “Hmmm, I’m sure there are a lot of people at this party, other friends,” I quipped.
    “Yeah, but not one in particular.”
    “Is it a male or a female friend,” I asked my caller, pretending to be coy.
    “Definitely female.” His voice was scratchy and raw, as if he’d been yelling a lot.
    “You should reach out to her.” Christ, I banged my forehead into the mic and a loud thud echoed through the studio.
    “I am.”
    “Yeah, I’m talking to her right now. Come to my party if you know who this is.”
    He rattled on but I hung up, disconnecting his call. I quickly hit PLAY on the deck and Fetty came on.
    “Who’s going to whip it nae nae tonight?” I heard myself say, announcing the song, but I didn’t register the words coming out of my own mouth.
    Slouched back in the chair, I took stock of what just happened. Blane Steele called my show and asked me to his party. At least, I thought so.
    But I couldn’t go, and I didn’t. I stayed on the air and gave out a few dozen doughnuts instead.
    And signed up for Twitter.
    Welcome @CuteCatieP to Twitter! #Hafton #HaftonNEWS969 #happyhalloween
    Who was that who called @CuteCatieP tonight? I swear it was @BallerSteele #cheater #happyhalloween

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