Doing the White Boy
are.” She reaches
forward and snags a nice and thick seven-incher with her hand—a
bright, glaring, purple dildo. “This one here is a Purple Yurple.
Quite popular with the customers, both men and women. It’s also on
sale for…”
    She keeps talking, but all I can do is
imagine that monster in my virgin ass, causing my hole to pucker
and tighten involuntarily. “Um…got anything smaller?” I hate the
fear in my voice, but dude, the thing’s freaking huge. It makes me
wonder how I ever managed to convince my ex-girlfriends to try
anal. A shudder wracks my body, but I don’t think that Evy
    “ Absolutely. I don’t mean
to pry, but if you can tell me who you’re buying this for, and its
intention, I may be able to help you narrow your
    She glances at me over her shoulder
while I follow her farther down the aisle, and for the first time
since I began this expedition—Operation P-spot—an unexpected blush
burns my cheeks. Damn it. Throat suddenly dry, I swallow hard and
lick my lips as I come to grips that I may have to go balls-out and
come clean to the salesperson, like before I really hurt myself
with something that’ll tear my ass apart. The last thing I need is
for this to go horribly wrong because I was too much of a pussy to
ask her questions.
    “ Uh, it’s for me.
I’m…um…exploring anal sex. Right. And finding my P…spot. So, yeah,
that’s what it’s for.”
    Dude, I’m such a girl.
    “ So something a little
smaller. Not a problem.” Her smile seems to have lost some of its
sparkle, and having just emasculated myself, I have the sudden urge
to whip out my dick and show her how much of a man I really am.
That I’m not a gay guy discovering the joys of man-love. No, I’m a
heterosexual that just happens to be investigating buttsecks,
nothing more.
    Her attention flips to the other side
of the aisle, and I see things which seem to be a little more my
speed. The toys are small, thin, and just the right size to find my
magic button. I hope.
    “ These are some excellent
models that are perfect for introducing someone to anal
    The ones she’s showing me are all well
and good, but I spy a few strap-on sets down the way, and my dick
throbs. Hard. I point to them, embarrassed. “What about those? You
know, just in case I can use it with…” Blushing. Again.
    Evy raises a single, perfectly
sculpted brow, and her sparkle is back. With maybe a dash of
interest as her gaze rakes over me from head-to-toe.
    “ Absolutely. Your
girlfriend is one lucky woman. Or is it wife?”
    Either she’s fishing
because she’s interested, or I’ve got her pegged wrong and this is
just her normal spiel. I’m going with fishing. Fuck yeah. I reply, “Neither at the
moment. I’m…uh…” I cough and clear my dry throat, then flash Evy a
half smile. I don’t quite know why, but I finally admit the truth
to her. “I’m exploring my sexuality. Read it in Cosmo while waiting somewhere, and
I’m on the hunt for my happy spot.”
    That comment earns me a laugh, a soft,
tinkling sound that draws me closer to her, allowing me to catch
her sweet scent. The fragrance makes me want to wrap her in my
arms, and hump her like the dog I am.
    ‘ Cause yeah, I have to
admit, I’m horny like that.
    “ At least, you know what
you want.” She gives me a wink and reaches up, snags a box that
professes it’s the perfect starter kit for the woman who likes to
take control.
    Evy hands it to me, and I eagerly look
over the package to see what it includes. I’m not rich, by any
means, but price isn’t a huge deal. The thing’s going in my ass. I
don’t want some cheaply made dildo ripping up my butthole. Except
the straps are kinda small…
    Frowning, I hand the kit back to her.
“Do you have something that, uh, fits women…a little larger?” I
raise my eyebrows. “I date ladies with curves, and if I’m able to
find someone who’s willing to try this out with me, I want her to

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