Doctor's Delight
    Susie blew out
a breath and stared at the ceiling.
    “What if he
comes around?” Maxie queried.
    “He won’t.”
Cherry hoped.
    “So, what?
You’re not going to answer the door?” Susie crossed her legs and
rocked her foot, the gold sandal caught by one strap on her big toe
bobbing up and down. “You can’t hide forever, Cherry. You have a
    “He won’t do
anything in the hospital, and by then he’ll also know I’m serious
about not being interested in him.” Cherry tapped one finger
against the tabletop. “I think me catching him with Annabelle
showed him I’m no fool.”
    “I still say I
could sort him out for you.” Lower lip jutting a little, Susie
bobbed her foot faster.
    “I appreciate
it, really, but I need to sort this out myself.” The phone rang and
she jumped. Fortunately it was only telemarketing, so she ignored
    “Oh yeah,
you’re really handling it.” Susie took a self-satisfied sip of her
    “Bitch,” Maxie
said mildly.
    Susie flipped
her the middle finger.
    Ignoring her,
Maxie patted Cherry’s arm. “You’re doing the right thing. Ignore
him enough and he’ll lose interest.”
    “He wasn’t
really interested to begin with.” Cherry ruthlessly ignored the
little pang in her heart.
    “Ignoring him
will only make him more determined,” Susie warned darkly. “And he’s
going to come around sooner or later.”
    “He’s a doctor,
he’s busy. Maxie said he was on-call this afternoon, so no chance
of him coming around.”
    “Saved by a
sick person. Nice.”
    “You just want
a piece of him.”
playing one of my best friends like that.” Susie abruptly turned to
face Cherry. “But I’m not sorry you went ahead and hired a male
    “Hells bells,
you can say that after all this?” Maxie protested.
    “Hey, that was
one mistake. It’s no reason to not hire a male escort again.”
    Cherry’s mouth
fell open.
    Maxie shook her
    “That Damien
was a hunk, wasn’t he?”
    “Also an
unprofessional loud-mouth,” Cherry snapped.
    “He was
speaking to a nurse and a doctor, he knew you were bound by oath
not to repeat anything.”
    “Shouldn’t he
have a similar oath, the little prick?”
    Cherry glared
at her. “I should have given him his pethidine shot with a blunt
    “The drawing up
needle,” Maxie added.
    “And put the
thermometer where the sun doesn’t shine.”
    “Maybe Rick
will be a patient one day and you can have the pleasure of giving
him that shot with the blunt needle.” Susie got up, filled the
kettle and plugged it in again. “I’ll volunteer to insert the
    Maxie rolled
her eyes at Cherry.
    “The man might
be a bastard, but he has a really nice arse,” Susie pointed
    “He does,”
Cherry agreed without thinking, only to stop in horror and slap her
hand over her mouth.
    “And you’d
know.” Susie leered and sat down again. “You didn’t tell us what
he’s like in bed.”
    “No, you
didn’t.” Arms folded on the table, Maxie gaze was avid.
    “What? No!”
    “Oh, come on.
You don’t owe him any loyalty now.”
    No, she might
not owe him any loyalty, but neither was she going to discuss every
intimate detail. Every intimate detail that just the memory of
still made her tingle down in her treacherous nether-regions, damn
    “It was nice,”
she said.
    “Nice?” Susie
raised her eyebrows. “You can do better than that.”
    “Good.” Bloody
amazing, in fact. She could still feel the strength in his arms,
the shift of muscle beneath his smooth skin.
    “Good?” Maxie
repeated. “We want more than that.”
    More? She’d
gotten more all right. The heat of his hard body, the strength, the
clean, masculine scent as he’d pressed closer, his breath warm on
her neck, his lips—
    “The man is a
bastard,” she said briskly, folding her arms decisively. “As far as
I can tell he was a good lover.” She stumbled a

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