Doctor Who: The Gunfighters

Doctor Who: The Gunfighters by Donald Cotton Page A

Book: Doctor Who: The Gunfighters by Donald Cotton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Donald Cotton
Tags: Science-Fiction:Doctor Who
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me? Don’t give me no argument, right?) And of this shadow , I say, Wyatt took advantage...
    We have previously remarked the circuitous manner in which the late Seth Harper moseyed down Main Street; and now the Marshal adopted a somewhat similar technique – although, being a law-man, the effect was, of course, far more dignified. Happily, no one, in fact, did notice this effect – because that would have negated the whole time-honoured manoeuvre – and pretty soon he was in a position to make, as the saying is, his play. And not a moment too soon, either – because the one weak point in the strategy was that Bat was supposed to keep them talking; and he wasn’t particularly good at that sort of thing...
    ‘Heard a good one the other day,’ he volunteered, at length. ‘Seems there was this feller, Bob Ford, got himself behind Jesse James...’
    Wyatt groaned. Trust Bat to give the whole plan away...
    And the crowd groaned likewise, because they’d heard it...
    However, it’s an ill wind, et cetera... because, in so doing, they conveniently covered the sound of Wyatt’s galloping the final straight, to the tree; swiping the unsuspecting Phineas sideways with his Buntline Special –
    pistol-whipping, it’s called, a favourite technique of his, by all accounts – and finally cutting through Steven’s rope...
    Game, set, and match!
    ‘Now then, Sinners,’ he purred, ‘shall we continue the discussion from here? No? Then how about: the next man as moves, gets it? You gonna be first, Billy?’
    But fire-eating Billy had his excuse-me right to hand...
    ‘If you wasn’t wearing a badge, Marshal!’ he explained, and left the threat tactfully unspoken.
    ‘That’s why I wear it,’ said Wyatt, modestly.
    ‘And if you wasn’t caught in a cross-fire, Billy,’ called Bat as he breathed heavily along the double barrels of a shotgun. ‘Lynchin’ party’s over, folks!’
    Well, that’s about all there was to it, really. The crowd agreed that there seemed to be nothing much to wait around for; and began to drift back where it came from, wondering why in hell things always turned out like this.
    Although, to do him justice, Ike seemed disposed to stick it out for a while longer.
    Wyatt discouraged him.
    ‘All’s left to do is talk big an’ look foolish, Clanton – get goin’!’
    ‘Not without Phin, I don’t,’ said the chap-fallen bad-man.
    ‘Your brother ain’t available, right now,’ explained Wyatt, ‘on account, he’s under arrest. Attempted hangin’,’
    he elaborated further. ‘Less’n you’re fixin’ to join him, I’d go home to your Pa. You too, Billy.’
    The brothers looked at each other. Yes, that was a thought – Pa! The prospective mayor wasn’t going to like this!
    To add to their pleasure, Charlie the bar-keep now approached, bearing tidings...
    ‘Mr Clanton, sir – an’ you too Mr Clanton: I gotta tell you – that ain’t Doc Holliday that’s bein’ held in there!’
    Well, this may not have been the anti-climax Ike had been fearing – he’d already had that one – but this was another. And it was a beauty!
    He narrowed his eyes, accordingly.
    And so did the Marshal...

Pa Clanton Keeps A Welcome
    It was Wyatt’s inclination to tell Charlie to mind his own damn’ business; but what with keeping a grip on the buffaloed Phineas, holding a gun where it would do most good; and, simultaneously, trying to explain to Steven how you untie a running bow-line, – for pity’s sake! – he was...
    Well, you can’t be everywhere, can you?
    ‘What gives you that idea, Charlie?’ Ike asked. ‘You been at the sauce bottle?’
    Well he had... but even so...
    ‘Because it’s like the old guy kept tryin’ to tell you,’ he announced. ‘He ain’t by no means the same Doctor... as...
    as this other Doctor, whom he ain’t! Seems like he’s another mess o’ hog-swill entirely!’
    ‘You funnin’, Charlie?’ asked Billy. ‘Because if so, I’m fresh out

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