data,’ said the other.
‘He worries.’
Omega was silent for a moment. ‘How about you?’
‘Stellar!’ said Ace, ‘as in stars – you mean he engineered stars?’
‘Sorry, go on.’
‘It was Omega who created the supernova that formed the initial power source for Gallifreyan time travel experiments. He left behind him the basis on which Rassilon founded Time Lord society and the Hand of Omega.’
‘His hand? What good is that?’
‘Not his hand literally, no, it’s called that because Time Lords have an infinite capacity for pretension.’
The engines were whining, the vortex could almost be felt eating away at the fabric of space and time. ‘Stop fussing and get out,’ Omega told the other.
‘I have doubts.’
‘You always have doubts.’ Omega’s grin was fierce.
‘You’re as bad as Rassilon.’ He flexed his great hands and placed them on the control interface. ‘Doubts will chain you in the end.’ The engines were screaming now. ‘We’ll see who’s remembered in the histories.’
‘I’ve noticed that,’ said Ace.
‘The Hand of Omega is the mythical name for Omega’s remote stellar manipulator – the device he used to customize stars.’
Ace suddenly understood. ‘The Daleks want it so they can recreate the time travel experiments.’ She was missing something. ‘Hold on, you said both Dalek factions can already travel in time.’
‘They have time corridor technology,’ said the Doctor.
‘But it’s very crude and nasty. What the Daleks want is the power over time that the Time Lords have. That’s what the Hand of Omega will give them,’ he smiled, ‘or so they think.’
‘And you have to stop them.’
‘I want them to have it.’
‘My main problem is stopping Group Captain Gilmore and his men getting killed in the cross-fire.’
‘So all this is...’
‘A massive deception,’ said the Doctor. ‘Yes.’
‘That’s well devious.’ And it was, except why does he want the Daleks to have the Hand of Omega? If she asked him direct she would get an evasion. ‘So the Daleks grab the Hand of Omega and nobody gets hurt. Well brilliant.’
Omega was screaming. The control room was silent –
everyone knew he was dead; this was just the distant echo of his dying. A new star flared in the sky. One of the controllers made the ward sign against evil.
‘Stop that,’ screamed Rassilon at the controller. ‘No superstition.’ His face was contorted with emotion, and for a moment it looked as if he would strike the controller. ‘Do not profane his memory now – not now.’ Rassilon’s voice broke and he stumbled away.
The other looked at the new star on the main screen.
The expanding shell of matter was picked out in red by computer enhancement – an accidental rendering of the regenerative circle, the ancient symbol of death.
‘You’ve got your place in the histories now,’ he said softly, and turned away.
‘There’s just one problem,’ said the Doctor.
‘I wasn’t expecting two Dalek factions.’ He stood up.
‘Now we have to make sure that the wrong Daleks don’t run away with it.’
This could be fun, she thought. ‘Shouldn’t we take Mike?’
‘No. Dalek hunting is a terminal pastime.’
‘So what are we doing then?’
‘Dalek hunting.’
Ask a stupid question, Ace thought.
The assault team marshalled in the shuttle bay. They were the cream of the Ven-Katri Daorett warriors – imperial Dalek stormtroopers.
The commander watched them as they loaded section by section, gleaming perfection after gleaming perfection.
It felt something akin to pride.
When they loaded the Abomination, the commander felt such distate that its gunstick involuntarily twitched. So strongly did it feel that it almost queried the loading order.
But only almost – a Dalek did not query Tac-op orders more than once and remain functional.
We shall win this battle without the Abomination,
Pamela Downs
Mary Ting
Shireen Jilla
J. Thorn
Sarah Ray
Khushwant Singh
Yvette Hines
Keira Montclair
Darlene Mindrup
Kira Brady