Do Not Disturb

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Book: Do Not Disturb by Lisa Ballenger Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lisa Ballenger
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manager with a promising future.
    After a seven-year relationship with a loan
officer at another bank ended, Joan met her husband at a singles resort and
they were married within four months. He owned a company that booked bands,
including the small jazz ensemble he played in. Joan and Brad were complete
opposites but as crazy about each other today as they had been when they’d met
two years earlier.
    And now Joan wanted information.
    “Enough small talk, Allison. What’s going on with
    “What do you mean?”
    “You know exactly what I mean. Sure the meeting
was boring and heaven knows I couldn’t sit still, but I have never,” Joan waved
her arms to emphasize her point, “never seen you distracted.” She stopped to
point at the notepad Allison had in her lap. “You were actually drawing on your
pad while Carter was talking. There is something serious happening, I just know
it. But you don’t look upset, so it must be good.”
    As the week had passed and her date with Brett
drew closer, she’d become more and more confused. She desperately wanted to be
alone with him. Thought she was ready for more. But...
    “And flowers on your desk. That’s certainly...”
Joan pushed herself up straighter in her chair. “It’s a man.”
    Allison jumped at Joan’s declaration. Was she that
    “Tell me.” Joan prodded. “And don’t leave out a
single detail. I’ve been too large to do anything with Brad for so long I
almost need someone to remind me what it’s like to be hugged.”
    Allison smiled at Joan’s ranting, knowing her
friend was exaggerating. She’d seen Brad and Joan together last week and he
couldn’t keep his hands off her.
    “Yes, I’ve met someone–“
    “And you haven’t told me.” Joan slapped the arms
of her chair. “After I spilled every bit of my whirlwind romance with you.”
    Allison held up her hand. “We haven’t known each
other long and it started as a committee for our daughter’s school.”
    “He has a daughter, too?”
    “Yes, about the same age as Kelly.”
    Joan twisted in her seat, tugging her maternity
top out from behind her. “What luck. Tell me everything.”
    After ten minutes of bringing Joan up to date on
Brett, she paused. Joan was her closest friend, but this was difficult to talk
about. It was all so new. On the other hand, Joan had gone through this with
Brad in her thirties.
    “We’re going to be alone tomorrow, really alone,
for the first time,” Allison blurted.
    “And, I’m scared.”
    Joan leaned forward, but her stomach stalled her
progress. She gave up and sat back. “Of course you’re scared. This is a big
step. Especially for you, since you’ve avoided men like the plague since
    Allison hopped out of her chair and walked over to
her window. “I have not avoided men.”
    “Please, Allison.”
    She could hear the exasperation in Joan’s voice.
    “How many dates have you turned down? How many
times have you refused to let Brad set you up? This Brett must be really
special to even get this far.”
    Allison rested her hands on the window ledge and
looked out, not seeing anything outside her head. Instead, she saw Brett’s
face. And that intense look in his gray eyes right before he kissed her.
    He was special.
    “You may be right. Although I haven’t consciously
avoided dating, nothing ever seemed right.”
    “Until now,” Joan suggested.
    “Until now.” Allison could remember exactly what
Brett’s lips felt like. His arms. Hear his laughter. He was very special.
    Hearing a rustling behind her, Allison turned to
see Joan lever herself out of the chair and waddle toward the window.
    She lay her hand on Allison’s arm. “Then don’t
worry about what you should do. You’ll know.”
    Allison sighed, smiling at her friend.
    She sure hoped so.
    "I can't believe we're alone," Brett said.
    At the click of the front door lock, Allison moved
quickly to his den, stopping to run her

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