Divorced Dating and Damn Drama

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Book: Divorced Dating and Damn Drama by Kat Lehto Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kat Lehto
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is angry and yells at you saying it's your fault because he lost control, I just want you to know it's not. We have all been there. We have all been in relationships like this. Guys, especially, will do something wrong, then when they are caught red handed, they blame you. They say it is your fault, that you somehow caused their bad behavior. I am here to tell you that it is not your fault. They are cowards and bullies.
    "Maybe I'm quick to anger because you are quick to pissing me off!" Shouts Daniel, 28, with a body that is littered with tattoos. I would say covered but they are badly drawn and done, so it looks like litter. He has remarkable eyes though, one brown and the other green.
    "What are you saying?" I asked.
    "I'm saying it's your fault if I hurt you or others." Daniel replied slipping his milk through a straw.
    "What the What?" I shout.
    "'If you upset me and I go out and hurt someone it's your fault," Daniel continues. He runs out of milk and starts chowing down on some Ribs. I have to admit the ribs look good. But enough about my drooling over his food and back to the conversation.
    "No it's not! I'm not responsible for your actions." I say shoving cheese fries in my mouth.
    "You made me do this." He says as he stabs the table with his fork. Wow, this guy definitely has anger issues.
    "No! I am not at fault for anything you do." I stand up and walk away. I go to the fount of the restaurant and pay for my meal then head towards the door. I hear him from a distance.
    "Don't you dare walk away from me of this is the last meal you will ever taste on this earth." I don't look back; I just open the door and keep walking. As the door closes his cries become muffled.
    I know it's hard for people to walk away from mentally and physically abusive relationships, but you really need to. I would never ask someone to confront their abuser, because that's what they are-an abuser, but I can ask you to walk away. Your situation might not be as black and white but if someone blames you for their actions get out and get out quick.

Chapter thirty two
    My car is the single thing I love most. My car is complete junk but it is all mine and I am very protective of it. So it really offends me when some jerk wad wants to either have me drive him around or just take my car. Just like that, just take it. It's like, I understand that cars are a big deal but I didn't save up to buy a car so you can just take it. Why on earth would anyone purchase a car so they can just let a stranger off the internet have it? Yes, they only want to "borrow" it, but come on. If you give them the keys you are never going to get it back. That car will be gone and knowing my luck it will gather tickets that I would have to pay.
    "Come on, it's not my fault that I can't afford a car." Marcus whines. He is a 32 year old College graduate whom has had some bad luck. He never really found a job after college and just jumped around from one job to the next. I feel bad for him, really I do. I actually relate to him, my luck always seems to be the worst as well. I meet Marcus in at a fast food joint and due to the cold we both decide to dine inside.
    "I'm sorry you can't afford a car but it is not my responsibility to provide you with a vehicle or transportation." I reply honestly. What? It's really not my responsibility. We all have responsibilities in life; this just isn't one of mine.
    "The rich get richer and the poor get poorer." He scoffs reaching over and grabbing my burger.
    "I'm sorry, are you calling me rich?" I ask as he takes a bite of my burger.
    "You own a car thus you are rich." He says reaching over only to dunk my French fry into ketchup and eat it.
    "Owning a car does not make you rich." I say bluntly. What? It doesn't. Does he think I don't notice he is eating my food? Because I notice.
    "You are rich in my eyes." He says while stuffing another big bite of my hamburger into his mouth. Before anyone jumps to conclusions, no I am not eating in front of

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