Divided Hearts
“I don’t mean to lecture you. You’ve been wonderful. You are … wonderful.”
    As the last word left her lips she turned again to head to her room. She made it to the doorway before he spoke again.
    “Where are you going?”
    “To get dressed.”
    “Why the hurry?” In two paces he was beside her. She faced him to reply, but before she could his hands slid around her, snaking under her robe to encircle her waist.
    Faye gasped in surprise. “Simon, please. I told you it doesn’t feel right.”
    Despite her protest he held fast, his eyes ablaze. “Tell me this doesn’t feel right.”
    Drawing her closer, he bent to cover her mouth with his, his lips claiming hers with unrestrained hunger. He tasted of coffee and syrup, warm and sweetly intoxicating. Surrendering, Faye melted against him, parting her lips to invite his deepening kisses. Not only did it feel right , it felt amazing. Letting her eyes fall closed, she succumbed to the urgent desire that electrified her body.
    She had no idea how much time had passed when Simon broke the kiss, speaking in a voice ragged with longing. “I told you I’m used to having control over my life. But you have a power over me, Faye. I’m helpless in your arms.”
    Far from helpless, he felt strong and vital against her, his luxuriant kisses having reduced her own limbs to rubber, while fuelling the insistent heat coiling in the pit of her stomach.
    “Don’t go back today. I want you and Hannah to stay,” he murmured against her lips. “My world feels so complete with you here. Both of you.”
    Faye shook her head, struggling to rein in her galloping heart. “I would love to stay, Simon, but you know I can’t. It’s not just me and Hannah involved here.”
    Undaunted, Simon dropped slow, hot kisses along the line of her jaw, enticingly grazing her earlobe, as his hands found their way into the soft waves of her hair. “If this didn’t feel right, you would have pushed me away long ago. But you’re still here in my arms.”
    Unable to deny it, Faye turned her face to meet his lips with her own, gathering him to her. The sprialling passion between them left her only dimly aware of drifting together toward the bed, until the backs of her calves hit the mattress. As she tumbled back onto the bedspread, tugging Simon down with her, his robe draped open, revealing a chest as pleasingly toned as she’d imagined; she couldn’t help smoothing her hands along the ridges of muscle before grasping the firm contours of his shoulders to urge him closer.
    This time, when he slid the strap of her nightgown off her shoulder, Faye didn’t protest. As the fabric slid away to reveal one breast, her pulse surged in anticipation. He lowered his head and settled his mouth onto the supple curve of her breast, exploring languidly; red-hot excitement seared through her as his tongue circled the sensitive tip.
    “Simon, you’re driving me mad,” she groaned, trembling with need as she yearned toward him.
    “As are you, beautiful Faye.” Lifting his head, he paused to smooth her hair back from her face, his gaze roaming over her features as though inscribing them to memory. The tenderness in his eyes warmed her to the core, and for lingering seconds she felt suspended in the moment, the synchronized rise and fall of their chests the only movement, the only sound their quickening breath. She felt safe in his arms, and cherished in his gaze.
    And then time tripped on as Simon bent to graze her throat with more slow, supple kisses. His palm slid under her back to draw her firmly against him, and she felt him rigid against her as his hand drifted over her hip to meet the bare flesh of her thigh, caressing with feathery strokes. Exquisite fire blazed anew through her veins, her heart thundering in her ears so loud that she barely heard the jangle of her cell phone on the bedside table.
    “Damn these interruptions,” Simon swore thickly. “Leave it.”
    Faye was tempted to comply, but over

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